Accidentally put middle school grades wrong

I put “8th Algebra 1” and “8th Geometry” when it should have been “7th Algebra 1”. Will this affect my admission or will they know that I was just putting middle school grades and typed it accidentally?

According to the Cal state apply, this is how you were suppose to report middle school grades:

If you completed courses in 7th or 8th grade to fulfill A-G subject requirements, please select the appropriate grade level, along with your first high school attended in 9th grade and your 9th grade academic year..
You might want to contact admissions: Office: 805.756.2311 Fax: 805-756-5911 Monday - Friday from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time

SLO does not allow to make course or grade changes once the application has been submitted.

I called admissions last week to ask a question about the order that grades are input on the app. Although it wasn’t exactly your same issue, the admissions rep just offered up that it didn’t even matter if you entered your entire high school record under just 12th grade - the computer would still read it the same. As Gumbymom suggested, if you call admissions they can hopefully confirm this and set your mind at ease.