Accounting....? A blur.

<p>I decided to major in accounting, but I want to get a jump start. I know nothing about economics, or accounting.</p>

<p>Any books I should start reading, that will help me understand the subject efficiently? </p>

<p>Thanks in advance</p>

<p>That’s why you study it in college.</p>

<p>Most accounting programs start off really simple, with the assumption you know nothing.</p>

<p>Because you mentioned economics, “Naked Economics” by Charles Wheelan is a pretty good read if you are new to the subject. Be careful of potential biases in the book, though. He, as we all do, has his own views. It’s well-written, quick, and informative, though, so long as you stay actively engaged and don’t accept it as the gospel without some thought as to the ideas presented.</p>

<p>Accounting? Well, reading about accounting won’t help much. Doing accounting will. I’ll give you three hints:</p>

<p>Assets = Liabilities + Equity
Net Income = Revenues and Gains - Expenses and Losses
Debits = Credits</p>

<p>Follow that and you can get through a 100-level accounting course with ease.</p>