Accounting degree

<p>If you go to Madison for an accounting degree, do you pretty much have to go for 5 years because of the CPA exam? I'm choosing between Madison and Green Bay, who offers the CPA after 4 years (both colleges have bachelor's degrees after 4 years). Thanks.</p>

<p>Do not choose your school just on length of program (and you say they are equal)- the caliber of UW Madison and the college life there is vastly superior to that of UWGB. If you are accepted at UW don't give up the chance for a great education by settling for UWGB! I suspect most people are working while studying for their CPA exam. You have only a few short years for college, do not give up a golden opportunity for a top school.</p>

<p>To take the CPA exam in the state of Wisconsin, you have to have completed 150 credits at an accredited University. So I'm not sure where you are getting this information about being able to take the CPA exam after 4 years in Green Bay but after 5 years at Madison. Whenever you complete 150 credits you are eligible to take the CPA exam in Wisconsin. The advantage of getting into the 5 year program at UW-Madison is that your a essentially guaranteed an internhip with one of the big 4 accounting firms, you receive your master's in accountancy, and placement for accounting majors is 100% upon graduation (not that difficult right now with the massive hiring of accountants). By going to UW-Madison and getting an accounting agree you will be given great exposure to the many opportunities that exist for accounting majors.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help. I got the information by e-mailing a Green Bay professor and also the UW business office. The professor at UW-Green Bay said that you can take the CPA after 4 years because accounting graduates double major in business administration (not sure what that would help me for?) The Madison officer said you have to take 5 years to get the 150 credits. Then again accounting is not my "for sure" major...</p>

<p>So basically, you're saying that even if it takes one more year and costs $20,000 more, I should go to Madison because of a better opportunity after college? Would it make much of a difference if I received a Bachelor's at GB and maybe go for Masters at Madison after that? I guess one of my concerns is that UW-GB pretty much accepts anyone, when that's not the case at Madison. Thanks again.</p>

<p>In case you want to know I have about 3.8 GPA and 30 ACT.</p>

<p>The caliber of most students at UW (Madison) is in your league, not so at UWGB. You only get the young, straight out of HS college experience once- Madison has a far superior campus, activities on campus, student body, course offerings- don't settle for less. Start at Madison and transfer to UWGB if you don't fall in love with the campus. UW has a national reputation whereas UWGB does not. You also may want to change your major, you will find many more choices at UW. You will also be exposed to a much more diverse student body in Madison. Remember, you want an education, not just job training.</p>

<p>jlinn12 - If you haven't done so already, I'd recommend visiting both UWGB and Madison. This will give you a chance to see the facilities, meet with students/staff and get a "feel" for the campus environment. When picking a college it's important to choose a place that YOU feel comfortable at.</p>

<p>I'm a senior at UWGB and have never regretted my decision. I had my choice of schools since I graduated high school with a 4.00, 29 ACT and 32 college credits from AP tests and Youth Options classes at a UW-Extension. At UWGB you'll find that all classes are taught by highly qualified faculty (97% have a PhD or the highest degree in their field) - NOT teaching assistants. There are also a lot of internship opportunities for students in all areas. One of my friends that studied accounting worked with Integrys/WPS over the summer and is now going to law school in Illinois.</p>

<p>Like I said, my best advice would be to choose the school that you feel is the best fit for YOU...not where all your friends are going, where your parents and grandparents went, etc. After all, you're the one that has to spend your time/money there!</p>

<p>Good Luck :)</p>

<p>The TAs at Madison are a plus- top grad students. So many more courses available at Madison, much nicer campus and town, many more top students for a peer group. As above, you need to visit both campuses and go for the best fit. Keep in mind that UW-Madison has a national reputation whereas GB is local only. There will always be anecdotal stories about top students at lesser U's, those that do get into top situations. People who have taken Calc at GB while in HS find it to be less rigorous than at Madison. According to the GB literature most students are from and stay in the area, at UW you get a much wider range of experiences. College is so much more than job training, consider the outside of class opportunities you would miss in Green Bay.</p>