Hello. My son got a 620 on the Math SAT and just got an email saying he needs to take two Math Accuplacer tests (since he is accounting major).
Should he schedule to take both of these tests the same day or should he choose two separate days? I don’t want him to be burnt out but have no idea about these types of placement tests.
Thanks for your insight.
He should do a quick Google search to get to sample tests and/or practice/review materials. That will help him figure out what the best plan is.
The new accuplacer has a QAS section and an AAF section. I think they are administered one right after the other. But maybe the testing center does it differently.
Google the college board website for “accuplacer next gen” for the authentic tests. It helps to be familiar with the format. The college should also tell you the cutoffs for course placement and whether they use other measures as well for placement. Not paying attention to the placement test may mean being stuck in a math class lower than the one required for the major
I’m only familiar with the accuplacer for community college. I’m guessing your son is doing accounting at a 4 year school?
At the community college where I work, there is an arithmetic section and an algebra section. They are taken at the same time typically, unless the student has an accommodation. Agree with @momprof9904 as course placement is usually determined from these. Our developmental math series (pre-college placement) could mean as many as three additional courses.