Acg &smart grant

<p>Hello CCers. I am wondering how many of you have received either the ACG or SMART grant. I have contacted the financial aid office but all they're telling me is that they don't have the funds yet. I find that odd because all of my friends at other UCs and private univs. have gotten it already. Maybe they're collecting interest on the funds (lol?). I got the grant last year around week 5/6, and got an updated ePAL around week 4 since they check for eligibility during week 3.</p>

<p>I also contacted the Federal Student Aid, which disburses the money in the first place and they said they sent the funds to all eligible schools. Hmm........</p>

<p>In any case, UCLA's financial aid office service is ****ing horrible. They ignore your e-mails and never answer the phones (all I hear is I'm sorry all of our agents are busy blah blah)</p>

<p>My daughter (not a UC but at a State U in a different State) got hers (1st semester of 2nd year ACG - $650) in August with the rest of her financial aid.</p>

<p>wow in August? So maybe I'm right. maybe they are hogging all the interst from the funds. See this is why UCLA is retarded. Why can't they give the grants along with other financial aid instead of giving me ******** right "oh these grants are retroactive to the beginning of the quarter"</p>

<p>beginning of the quarter my ass . quarter's over in 3 weeks.</p>