Acoustic, Electric or both?

<p>Started playing the guitar about a year ago and really love it. Question says it all I have a taylor 110 and an Epiphone Les Paul plustop with a little modeling amp that takes headphones. I like the electric because I can play near silently but its not nearly as social as having the acoustic around. </p>

<p>What does the community think? I promise I won't be one of those D bags chasing girls around playing Wonderwall! </p>

<p>Side question: Cool or tacky: Saving up money from my job to get a MIM strat tricked out in school colors? I think it would be awesome!</p>

<p>I’m a beginner/intermediate player with an acoustic and electric, and I like my acoustic a lot more. I know all f the common chords, and strumming along with songs is easy and fun. Electric requires an amp to make any use of it. If you are not going to use an amp most of the time, you probably want an acoustic. You have a really nice guitar in that Taylor, I would put it to good use.</p>

<p>I think I’m with you on that, and I really do love my Taylor. Got her used of some back shelf at a guitar center for way way less than she was worth and fell in love, just couldn’t pass it up and boom most of my saved up summer job money went away such are women right!</p>

<p>When it gets cold at school I might have to switch her out for an electric to practice in my dorm, I’m gonna have to start saving again because I specced out a white strat with a red replacement pick guard for Ohio State and it gave me some bad GAS. (Guitar Acquisition Syndrome haha) </p>