ACT and international students

I am new to this forum.
My question is do college admissions take it into consideration that many foreign students take the ACT in a language that is not their mother tounge so they might not do as well if they had answered in their mother tounge?</p>

<p>Also I have heard that the ACT tests the corriculum of US schools and other countries might have a different one? Similar but different. Do colleges take that into consideration?</p>


<p>Has anyone mentioned to you yet the TOEFL test? It is administered by College Board, the same organization that gives the SAT test. Many universities want to see a TOEFL test score to evaluate how much English you know. It is important to be able to function at a high level in English.</p>

<p>There are two main tests used for college applications - the SAT and the ACT. Many students take both because they are a little different in their wordings and timings. The top colleges/universities also want tests known as SAT2. These are hour long tests just in one subject (Math, History, French, etc)</p>

<p>The colleges/universities may be familiar with the education system of your country. If they are, they will understand what your home country’s standards are such as the British A levels.</p>

<p>There is a international student forum here on CC. Read through the posts there. You should be able to pick up a lot of information.</p>


<p>Thank you for your reply. Yes I know about the Toefl.
But I was just wondering if such circumsances are taken into consideration. That is
taking a test in a language that is not ones own mother tounge is a bit different than
taking it in ones own mother tounge.
I will check out the int. student part. Good advice.</p>


<p>no it will not taken into consideration since you are applying as an “International” student.</p>

<p>Your application packet will be in the same pool as other “international” students’ applications packets. Since everyone else is international and English will/might not be their first lanuage, everyone’s got the same disadvantage that you are facing.</p>

<p>Hope I helped…but I am not sure…yet pretty sure because it is simple logic lol.</p>

<p>I am new here,too.I am a Chinese,I am in high school now.I want to know whether I can go to US to have college? and what should I do?</p>



<p>Thanks for the answer. I think I did not ask my question clearly.</p>

<p>What I meant is, are international students (from non-english speaking countries) test scores (SAT,ACT etc) seen a bit differently than those from English speaking countries?</p>

<p>That is for example if a student from France got a 25 in ACT would that perhaps indicate that the student might have done better if the test had been in French?</p>

<p>I can understand that two French students would be judged equally but how would this work with a French student and one from an English speaking country?</p>

<p>Thanks for your patience.</p>

<p>I suppose some struggle to learn English and that barrier would be considered, but slightly in terms of a holistic approach.</p>

<p>The harsh reality is that most US universities teach in English, thus one needs a mastery of English to learn in such a university. As an international applicant, it is imperative to demonstrate this mastery.</p>