I heard that the ACT Black Book is no longer relevant when it comes to the Math and Reading section.
Is this true? Should I not waste my $? What Math book do you recommend?
So far getting the 2016-17 Red Book and Erica Meltzer’s, “The Complete Guide to ACT English.” I have the 3rd edition red book from when I took the ACT in high school… And I also have Barron’s ACT 36 Aiming for the Perfect Score.
I think the Black Book is still very relevant
For math, I recommend the Ultimate Guid to the Math ACT by Richard Corn
Erica’s English book is excellent as is her reading book
Yes, definitely get the new red book too
Forget the Barron’s book - you won’t need it and its tests are counter productive because they aren’t written by the test makers
The Black Book refers to the older version of the Red Book. It’ll show detailed explanations to answers on certain pages…but those pages are in the old version of the Red Book. Not the new one. It does have some useful tips, but the vast majority of the book pretty much is now irrelevant.
Hmmm Ultimate Guide to the Math ACT by Richard Corn seems to be outdated as well since the Math has gotten increasingly harder on the ACT…
I don’t know what to do!