I have.
There is now an alert on the home bag (see bell):
“Some ACT scores are not displaying properly. ACT is aware of this issue and working to resolve it as soon as possible.”
Obviously this was a mistake, but you would think someone would test/check it before the big release day. Good grief. They’ve created a headache for themselves. And panic for everyone else.
I just saw this on their Instagram. They say that the composite is accurate.
actstudent@imanurse05 Hi Mary! I apologize for the inconvenience. We are aware of that issue and are currently working to get that fixed. The composite score that appears is accurate, the missing subject scores will be added and viewable once this issue has been fixed. This issue will be resolved shortly.
Why don’t they go on their social media and addres this? PATHETIC
I’m tired of refreshing my d’s score report page on act.org, so will someone please post when they find these “Oracle” errors have gone away? I need to get on w/ my day.
I have to say, I’m stunned that they haven’t resolved this yet. I checked scores at 6:45 this morning and it’s now 6 hours later. It’s a coding/java problem, right?, that shouldn’t be this hard to fix. If anything that we can see now changes with the “fix”, ACT is going to have to release full scoring cards to appease everyone’s doubts about their veracity.
I actually called and spoke with a “higher up” at customer service to lodge a complaint at the way this rolled out. She told me that she couldn’t guarantee that the composite score would remain the same but that she “has no reason to believe otherwise”. Are you kidding me?? My daughter will FLIP if that score changes…The company or their customer service is not inspiring a lot of confidence.
@allenglen So you’re saying her composite is essentially the sum of the 3 listed scores divided by 4?
Does anyone know when our children’s high schools get the scores? could we confirm with them? The fact that ACT can’t guarantee composites are correct suggests that they don’t actually know what the problem is.
@contdes If you divided the sum of the other 3 scores by 4 you would get a much lower composite score. You need to divide by 3 to get the composite of the 3 visible scores.
@wrenwu My daughter (and I) will flip, too. I think ACT should offer free score-report sending to colleges for all families affected by this display problem. For mental anguish endured this morning. Not kidding. (I do recognize this is first world problem here…)
@citivas Yes, I know, I was asking Allenglen b/c he said that his D’s listed composite was mathematically impossible unless she had walked out on the science portion. In that scenario, the science portion would be a 0, so the equation for the composite would be reading# + english# + math# + science 0 divided by 4 (b/c the zero would count as the 4th score).
@contdes I checked earlier with my son’s school - they don’t get the scores until a couple of weeks later. Other schools may be different.
@momoutwest 100%. I think we should call customer support and suggest that. You and I know that this is just a bump in the road, but to stressed out teens - this is earth shattering. I have no idea why it’s taking them so long. It’s the waiting that’s really getting to my daughter…
Good news everyone… the 2 scores I see DO NOT average to the Composite shown. This is truly a visual issue, not calculations. They are working on it. The Composite score should be 100% correct. Celebrate the wins!
@wrenwu Interesting that the “higher up” is saying they can’t guarantee the composite score since they have already had CSR’s saying it won’t change and more importantly they had someone officially post on Instagram that it would not change in response to a question. I hope someone screenshot that because if it turns out they do change they could be held accountable for aggravating the problem by spreading misleading information. When the CSR’s told people I took it with a grain of salt, but having someone put it on social media is supposed to be internally vetted first so it should represent the official position of the company…
@MomOutWest Brilliant idea re free score reports!And if this isn’t resolved by 9/22, the deadline for registering for the next ACT, then they should either extend the deadline or waive the fee. It is rather a customer service nightmare.
Yea, I calculated it to be a 26 but I got a 25 composite it says, with only two sections given.
YES to a PR nightmare if scores change. I will give ACT an earful (and ask for free score reports, because, why not?) once D’s scores are all visible, and I’ve screenshotted them. HOPING w/ all my heart composite doesn’t change.
@civitas This"higher up" DID say she has “no reason to believe that they will change” but that in no way could sh confirm it and to not send any score reports until the issue is resolved. Of course I asked when that would be, and she just said “later today”. When I asked, does that mean an hour? two hours? 9 o’clock tonight? She just said “I really can’t say…” Totally unhelpful.
@MomOutWest - GOOD idea with the screen shot. I’m going to do that right now!