<p>Hi. I am a sophomore and I took the ACT and got a 35. However I took the ACT without writing and I saw that most colleges require the ACT Plus Writing. Does this mean that my ACT score without writing is useless or is there some way for me to take just the writing? I am planning to go to either Michigan State University (MSU) or MIT. I checked the MSU admissions FAQ and it had two answer quoted below:</p>
<p>"Is the new version of the SAT with the writing section or the optional ACT writing test required for freshmen?
Yes. Students must submit scores from either the new SAT Reasoning Test, which includes a critical reading, math, and writing section, or the ACT with the optional writing assessment. Students who have previously taken an SAT or ACT exam without a writing component are required to either take the SAT again or submit an ACT writing test score. (International students are encouraged to submit SAT scores, if available.)"</p>
<p>"Is it better for freshmen to only send MSU the highest ACT or SAT score if a test is taken more than once?
No. Michigan State considers the highest combined SAT or composite ACT score on file. There is no disadvantage in sending multiple test scores to the Office of Admissions since the lower test scores are disregarded. MSU does not combine subscores from different sittings of the SAT or ACT to make a "best" combined or composite score."</p>
<p>So does this mean I can or cannot submit a separate writing score?</p>
<p>You will probably not be able to submit a separate writing score.</p>
<p>Thanks. Does this mean that my score isn’t useful for any college that requires the writing? Like if I get a lower score on a subsequent ACT plus writing will they still take this score into consideration?</p>
<p>It depends on the schools. Some would look at the composite and writing scores separately like Stanford. While others may require writing score from the same sitting. In any case, you need to retake the ACT with writing for any school that requires writing.</p>
<p>First, you need to establish a balanced college list. “MSU or MIT”’ doesn’t make sense 
I assume MSU and Michigan Tech are your safeties, and MIT is your “dream school”, so now you need to find 3-5 matches, schools in between these two extremes.
You will need to take the ACT again (with writing) and submit both scores.</p>
<p>If the OP is perfectly happy going to MSU then additional schools aren’t necessary. I agree many students like to have a number of choices come selection time but saying they need to is just not true.</p>
<p>I probably should have been a bit more specific. I will most likely go to MSU since I want to stay in state. If I do decide to go out of state to a big name school then I will go to MIT or Cal Tech. I have looked at more in between options like U of M but I still prefer MSU. </p>
<p>I have looked at more in between options like U of M but I still prefer MSU.
<p>This is the story of my life haha. My relatives always nag me about how great of a choice U of M would be but I just don’t like the feel of it as much as I like MSU!</p>
<p>As for the score, I think you could just retake it with writing, and then even if you score lower it would be disregarded? You’ll have to retake the whole test, though. Which I don’t think is a problem because I believe every Junior in the state does this March of junior year ACT? I could be wrong though.</p>
<p>Thanks guys. I know I have to retake it writing in the 11th grade (MME testing) but if I score lower will colleges be less likely to admit me?</p>
<p>No, they won’t. Typically, they take your best composite. :)</p>
<p>I’m sorry for changing the topic on your forum, but I was wondering how you were able to get a 35? That’s an amazing score and you should be very proud! I’ve only gotten a 24, then 27, then back down to 24. I don’t understand why I went back down. Please let me know any tips that you have! Thank you so much! </p>