ACT Rant/ ACT Website

Am I the only one that gets SUPER annoyed by the ACT website?

It is so hard to navigate and all it does or redirect. There is literally no rhyme or reason. It is redirect after redirect.

Anyways, wanted to rant. Feel free to rant if the feel the same

The ACT website IS really difficult to navigate. There is a lot of scrolling on each web page. Also, their site is set up to always stear you towards buying more services instead of just getting you signed up for an exam date.

@BLDude true!!!

What I dislike most is how if I google something like “ACT cost”, it brings to to a gigantic FAQ page and then I have to find the information on there. Also, it it just me or did the ACT cost just go up by a few bucks (I remember it being lower than $42.50)?

@kimclan1 I remember it going up a few bucks recently.

Agreed. You have to go through two redirects to log in (and then two more redirects to view your scores). They might as well have 10 redirects at that point…