ACT Reading Section

I can’t seem to score over a 29 on the reading section and I have about a week to study for dec 9 act
Any major tips for studying for the reading section and doing well on it in general?

What types of questions are you struggling with? Is time management an issue also?

Time is the main issue whenever i read passages i cant remember anything and i think im reading the wrong way, and have to spend huge amounts of time going to back and rereading.

Ok, I see. So have you tried marking up the passage? Underline the thesis statement or main idea of passage, writing key phrases in the margins, circling vocab words? This is active reading and it helps you focus on the passage. Another strategy you could employ while marking up the passage is reading all of the questions first (circle and underline key information in the questions as well) so when you read the passage you understand what to look for. I use the first strategy the most, which is an important strategy to use if you want to get 30+