ACT score much lower than practice test scores

I have just received the Dec ACT score and am so disappointed and frustrated that the score is 28 .I have been scoring consistently around 32 -33 on the 4 practice tests.I have been using old official ACT practice test from the Red book and have had private tutoring. This was the first seating. Any ideas on how to improve on this will be appreciated.

have you been using the older red book? i suggest using the updated 2016-2017 (or 2018 if there is one) version. 28 is very good for a first seating. the only advice i have is to keep studying and taking practice tests. practice makes perfect (literally).

Thank you. I was using the the new ACT red book for practice as well as Crack ACT practice test. AM going to try again in Feb. My confidence is shot at the moment but am trying to keep a positive attitude will keep on trying and practicing.

Same thing happened to my S. In his case, it was a specific section that he struggled with and was much lower than his practice tests. He got a 29. Took it again a few months later received 32. Took it again a year later and scored 35. He did a few practice tests but didn’t do much additional prep.