I took the ACT last December and got a 22. I didn’t care and did not study at all. I also had a concert night before and had Allstate audtions the day of ACT. After I found out about 22 I decided I needed to study. So I bought a couple of apps on my phone to start studying and I signed up for an ACT class weekend thing. It was great and learned a lot. I studied the whole month of January every day for the ACT. I took it February 11th. I got a 33. I’m worried my test is going to get flagged. What is the likely hood of it? Even though I studied and worked hard to get the 33. ? Thoughts?

Is that a legitimate thing that happens to ACT scores?

If it doesn’t happen on a regular basis, then I would not be concerned at all. Good job :).

I would say going from a 22 to 33 is pretty uncommon, but I do not think that it will get flagged though unless there is any more reason brought to flag it.

Congrats on your score!

It seems like the Fevruary ACT was a lot easier than December. Is this true?

Thanks! And yes February ACT seemed easier.

This happened to my friend. You might have some visitors from ACT, but as long as you explain how much you studied you’ll be fine

Yeah I just don’t know when they will flag me?