Activities.. Sports Question

<p>Do i have to take up two spots to say that i played 4 years of basketball
but 3 were non varsity and 1 will be varsity?</p>

<p>for example right now i have it as:</p>

<li>Varsity basketball (12th grade) summer, school year</li>
<li>Non-Varisty sport (9th,10,11,12) summer, school year. Description: JV Basketball</li>

<p>im concerned because this takes up two slots of my activities
when really it is only one and i would like to include one more activity on the list if possible
i would like to somehow combine it into one slot without sacrificing what i really did
(i dont want to just put 12th grade varsity and drop the jv part)</p>

<p>How do i do this, if it is possible??</p>

<p>Thanks CC!</p>

<p>How serious are you about basketball? Do you want to convey a serious dedication to it that you might continue in college, or just another positive activity which you enjoy, having fun and building sportsmanship? Since you were only on varsity senior year, I am assuming that its probably the latter, although I recognize that I could be wrong.</p>

<p>That's how I am with swimming. I was on JV 10th and 11th grade, but a leauge rule requires me to be on varsty as a senior. I'm not a super fast swimmer, though, and really do it purely for my own enjoyment and fitness. I decided tht these ideals were more in line with being a JV swimmer, so I just listed it all as JV and made a note in the additional information box that I would be on varsity senior year. Whichever you think is more evocative of your level of commitment to and ability in basketball is probably the best option.</p>

<p>list that you have played basketball, and then on the detailed information space, list that you were JV for 9-11 grade and Varsity for 12.</p>

<p>but should i list that i played basketball as, "Varsity Basketball" or "Non-Varsity Athletic"

<p>i understand phoenixstar's logic, but would it look more appealing to the adcoms to list varisty?</p>

<p>i have a question....i will be on the varsity track team in the spring this year, can i still put it in my application that i am a part of varsity track for 12th grade?</p>

<p>I have basically the same question, and noticed that this never got answered. Can anyone please reply?</p>

<p>Okay, this is an excellent thread cause i have this same problem. I was on varsity Volleyball team my sophomore and junior year (JV freshman) and since I'm a starter, I'm pretty much certain I'll be on the team this year. Plus, we won state championships last year, but I don't know where to put that.</p>

<p>Like pretty much everyone else here, I have the same question.</p>

<p>3 Years Non-Varsity and 1 Year Varsity, so I think I will just put 4 Years Non-Varsity. Since I'm not serious about the sport, I doubt the extra year of varsity will really appeal to the adcom.</p>


<p>So what did all of you guys end up doing about this?
Did any of you guys ask any colleges or the people who made the common app?</p>

<p>I will have the exact probelm next year when i apply if they seperate Varsity/Non-Varsity…and i dont want to use 2 different spaces…</p>

<p>Also, i cannot use the positions, honors, and letters section to clarify because i have tons of things to put there (state champion, varsity letter…)…so if this situation happens should I just be like (as an example)</p>

<p>Category: Varsity Tennis
Then in the description on the same line: [School] Tennis team-Manager (9), JV (10), Varsity (11,12)
Even though technically those are positions but i dont have enough space to put it there…</p>

<p>What did you guys do?</p>

<p>I just figured any school sport that’s not a club sport is considered a “Varsity Sport” whether you made varsity or not…since you can indicate JV letters in that slot. =S</p>