Activities vs essay?

If I talk about an activity a lot in my main essay, should it go in the activities section? Or can I remove it to make room for other activities?

If it is a major time commitment or primary activity, I think it would be weird to leave it out. Like if you are a 4-year varsity starter in your sport, that is a significant activity that should be listed even if mentioned in your essay, in my view.

If the activity is, say, cooking that you took up for 10 months as a part-time hobby and then made some cooking videos and learned something about yourself from the experience that you describe in your essay, then maybe you could leave that off.

I would not leave off an activity that represents a long-term passion or time commitment or important leadership role or activity that relates to your potential future major.

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If you’ve got that many “impactful” activities, there’s likely something not believable in your app.

You want to show activities of impact.

If you write an essay about it, I’d be hard pressed to find a reason it wouldn’t be in your list.

Your listed activity has 150 characters. Your essay is, I’m assuming, expanding upon that. Just make sure that it’s showing the school a side of you and not simply a description of what you did or accomplished.

Good luck.

I wrote about dance and half of my activities were dance-related. The activities list explains what I did. My essay talks about my character, personality, and world view, explained through my other language -dance.


Sounds great.

If dance is your passion and that’s how you spent your time - than great.

That you’re framing the essay about you - I’m sure it will be fine. Sounds interesting.

Best of luck.



Ok, thanks. I have been hearing a lot of conflicting info on this topic.

You list your activities in the activity section, along with the hours you spent on the activities. You list any awards from these activities in the awards section. And you write whatever you want in your essays, to try to show the college something about who you are as a person, to catch their interest, to make them want you. If that means that you write something that relates to your activity, fine. But you could be an academy award winning actor, and write a great, insightful essay about a walk in the park.

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If you have a lot of activities and you are having trouble fitting them all in, you can combine related activities into one item. My son had a lot of music related activities, and ended up clumping them together in groups (multiple orchestras under one item, multiple teaching / tutoring / mentoring positions under another item, etc).

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