<p>Pasbal, My daughter was able to get a seat in Rivera’s Stat’s 2122 class today. A question since you took it with her, did you need the book? Thanks.</p>
<p>I literally opened it twice. Once to check the condition and make sure it wasn’t highlighted all the way through or whatever, and later to make sure I had the CD when I sold it back to Amazon for 60 cents less than I paid for it.</p>
<p>I only paid I believe $4 for it, so it was nice to have if I needed it, but I never used it. I see that Amazon’s literally flooded with bottom of the barrel priced copies, so it might not be a bad idea to just invest the few bucks in case she needs it. But based off my experience, it’s really not necessary.</p>
<p>Yah I got the book for extremely cheap as well lol. </p>
<p>One thing I’m concerned about is, Rivera’s classes are two days only, M/W where as Bose is 3 days, T/TH/F. hmm… the classes are 1:15 Hrs long each, where the F class is 50 Mins long. </p>