Adding/Dropping Classes

<p>lil bro will be taking that Greek Mythology</p>

<p>From what I’ve heard, that is one serious and challenging class. The prof is great, but expect it to be a challenge.</p>

<p>Guess I better start looking for alternatives for him then :-)</p>

<p>Actually his grades have been pretty good and he will make the Dean’s list for last semester.</p>

<p>He’s taking accounting, western civ, art history, and one of his natural science classes this semester as well. Not sure how hard his work load should be. I know that sounds like cupcake city for most of you with academic elite kids. But lil bro is just an ordinary student.</p>

<p>mom & NJ: I understand Professor Summers posts his CL222 lectures online, so there always available…which makes the course less formidable, I imagine. I’m hoping we can get hold of the textbook early so DS can peruse it over the summer.</p>

<p>NJ, if lil bro already gets good grades, then he probably studies hard. Over and over at Bama Bound we were told, “Go to class, do the readings, and study for the exams, and you’ll be fine.” :)</p>