Additional Information

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>I was just wondering if I should include in this section information regarding why I took such weird band classes during high school. I was supposed to stay in the Wind Ensemble class but due to scheduling conflicts, I had to go to regular and jazz band instead of the wind ensemble band.</p>

<p>do you think this makes a difference? should i even bother explaining this? </p>

<p>hahah thanks everyone!</p>

<p>uhm… bump?</p>

<p>a quick “no” would suffice.</p>

<p>Do you think it matters?</p>

<p>From what you said, it sounds trivial. If anything, you will NOT be rejected because you didn’t explain this… lol</p>

<p>lol ^ yeah who really cares. It shows you are passionate about music. nothing to explain</p>

<p>Hahah okay thanks you guys (: just freaking a bit with the applications almost due and everything. sorry for bumping up this thread with this post…</p>