Admission and a C grade

@Spring16 yes she will ED or EA I think. She wants business major , management or marketing . She had a C+ in Algebra 2 in covid year 9th grade. Then B in precalculus in 10th so got better. Other C was in APUSH …
She also wants to apply to Andrews in scotland and U of edinburgh. Not sure if anyone has any info on that.

ED for many schools will provide an admissions bump - for some schools that bump can be pretty significant. EA may provide a slight bump, but in general it is much less than the ED bump, and it may not provide an advantage at all. So, you may want to carefully consider if your daughter has any truly top choices, and if they offer ED. If so, she would mostly likely have a better chance of being admitted if she applies ED.

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Since ED is being discussed, are these schools affordable?

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A few years ago there was a poster on CC (cloudysmom I think) that had done lots of research on St Andrews (D wanted to transfer from US school) - maybe try searching and message them

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Re: Scottish unis

Reading through these threads may help you identify posters to contact as well as provide guidance on the admissions process.

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Sorry - late to thread. Not sure if OP was seeking more but based on the request made…

My daughter is in International Studies at Charleston. Honestly, some schools have IR and some IS - and I’m not totally sure of the difference. She has mainly political leaning classes. At all schools you need to learn a language and my daughter’s is Mandarin.

She is a member of the International Scholars program (a cohort within Honors) and has met ambassadors and others through their Mroz Institute.

Seems a good program. When we were looking at schools, I was also impressed by Indiana University and their Hamilton Lugar School. IU is an easier in as is Charleston. And I think both solid names. Someone mentioned UGA - not an easy in but I know well reputed in IR.

Good luck.

International Scholars - College of Charleston (

John Edwin Mroz Global Leadership Institute (

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Thank you. My daughter is interested in International business however. I thinkg that is diff from IR?

Yes. U of South Carolina is ‘top rated’ in the country. but hard to get into. But Cs won’t eliminate you. Many have the major including Charleston.

They are also in an international hotbed - Mercedes, Volvo and more nearby.

Mroz and guest speakers as well as Intl Scholar would still apply if interested at Charleston. Intl Scholar could bring more $$. One could double major too to get a better exposure to a certain geography. My daughters interest is policy so she’s doing Poli Sci as a double but business would be a match.

While I was responding to the question asked of me I’d say a C alone in 9th grade won’t impact you and schools like Pitt would be in play. They have an international summer internship which could suffice Vs international business. But they also have a global business major. I would personally rather see a student focus on a discipline, like finance or accounting, than global which is very broad. I work for a European company and used to work for an Asian company and having business skills is far more important than the global part IMHO.

You might and again I didn’t see the desires as I came on late by being tagged so not sure if these size or geographies work but a Michigan State, Arizona State could work too. Schools will also offer a minor which coupled would be fine (ie finance major and minor in global trade/business) and of course language competency will typically be required. Bentley is another name that could work, focused on business. You mentioned UMD. A few Cs won’t eliminate you but straight As won’t necessarily get you in Tough admit. But U Delaware could work. Or a Purdue if you can spread West a bit. Krannert is a fine b school. Or highly ranked IU too but a bit tougher to get in. Will need a decent SAT/ACT for IU b school. Dickinson for a solid LAC with business would be a nice get.

If you find a college for the B student list, you’ll get more names. You’ll see both ‘International’ and ‘Global’ but I believe a business degree with functional skill might be better. One can always minor in an international area of interest. Good luck.

Lots of colleges can work in this arena. Find ones she likes and you’ll likely find options in her chosen areas.

Didn’t see if there’s a budget but that could play a part too.

Good luck.