Admission Decision/ Chance Me?

Hello everyone
I’m getting a little worried as I have not heard back yet from UW. I know that decisions come at anytime until the end of Jan, but I was wondering if anyone could chance me. Also, is you have got any decision at all, feel free to post what type and your stats. Thanks :slight_smile:
OOS (California)
UW: 3.7 W: 4.1 (Taking AP Calc/AP English, 11 honors and AP courses throughout HS)
Top 15% (250 people in my class)
ACT: 27 (R: 31 E:27 M:27 S:25)
EC: Club and HS swimming and waterpolo (varsity all 4 years, captain, NSA, club team is nationally ranked), very active in schools green team (brought solar panels to our school), co-founded a Daraja club (fundraising for a girls school in Kenya), volunteered for Special Olympics, and I have a summer job since freshman year (coached local swim team)
Essay: pretty good, I have Colitis so I talked about that (hook?)
No recs
Hook: Does diversity count? I am half Iranian, half Portuguese. Dad went to UW (he moved from Iran when he was 17 to go to UW)
Not the best stats, but who knows

GPA and rigor are good, EC’s are good, ACT is a bit low. I’d say it’s a match for you. My guess is you’ll get in but there’s a chance of being postponed.

Also post your decision here whenever you get it! I’d like to know :slight_smile:

No recs is not good. If your application isn’t finalized, try to get at least one recommendation letter sent in. It shows you are willing to put in more than the minimum effort.

@nattycat66 You need to turn in the recs asap!

Now that I got admitted I can reflect back. U of W is holistic in their admissions process. And I can say this with 100% belief. My ACT was fine at 30, but I felt my GPA was low (3.47 UW). However, I visited the campus 4 official times, I met with people in various departments, I sent in two letters of recommendations, my second essay was over 900 words but it demonstrated very strongly my desire to attend. Bottom line how many people are applying for U of W but have never visited the campus? No letters or recommendations with your background? Ouch.

@uwknight‌ I can’t find any mention of that the fact that a campus visit effects admission decisions. It would make sense to me that it doesn’t as many applicants just can’t afford to visit the campus (especially OOS and international applicants). And they can’t hold that against you. Recommendation letters, though, cost nothing (hopefully lol).


According to that point of view, many applicants can’t afford to visit top LAC’s either, or other colleges that hold importance for demonstrated interest in form of visits.

Yes, some schools take campus visits into account. But I would assume that this is only true for private schools.

In the Common Data Set, section C7 lays out the various criteria for admission and how important they are in decisions, from ‘very important’ to ‘not considered.’

At UW-Madison, level of applicant’s interest is ‘considered.’ They claim to at least ‘consider’ almost everything on the list except religion and interview.

Thank you @celesteroberts‌ for bringing in some data. There you have it; visits can help, but they won’t make/break your application.

Got a decision yesterday, I was postponed, hoping for the best! Does anyone know when they should start releasing decisions for the 2nd notification period?