<p>Hey everyone,
Seeing as USC is my top school, I'm doing all that I possibly can to set a good impression. Unfortunately, my SAT scores aren't all too hot (1880, but I"m retaking, thank goodness), I have a 3.85 UW GPA, and many EC's. I will most definitely set up an interview. I'm thinkin of compiling a portfolio of all my writing samples, certificates, samples of work, etc. so that I can just show my interviewer my good points (I want to go into Communications). Is that good or could I just send these things in the app, or would this just be totally a bore like "I've already seen you have hours, I don't need to see your certificate!"</p>

<p>Also, can anyone who had an interview tell me what they ask, the gist of the questions, HOW DID IT GO!??, ADVICE...,ETC. Im fine talking with people, but interviews ALWAYS scare the crap out of me, how ironic. Thanks for the help!!!!</p>

<p>I'd suggest talking with your school's guidance counselor. From "The Gatekeepers," which is a book written by an AdCom from an elite school, she says they REALLY don't like you adding extra things to your application. Not sure what the protocol is regarding interviews, but the impressioin I got from that book is that interviews may be a minor tip factor. You can show off your great writing by writing an awesome essay on your application & writing about your experiences & how you've grown from them; hopefully your recommendations will talk about you well also.</p>

<p>For the interview, just relax. They'll ask you basic things about yourself, like your interests, favorite subjects, what you look for in a school, etc. It should be a casual conversation (or at least that's how it was with my interviewer). It won't be anything too difficult like 'how would you change the world?' or 'how do you think blah blah blah is related to blah blah blah?' </p>

<p>good luck! and remember, just take a deep breath and relax!</p>

<p>hey guys
thanks for the advice. It's jsut that my SAT scores are extremely horrible, so I was jsut brainstorming ways in which I could showcase all my other talents, because my SAT score most definitely doesnt....</p>

<p>thank yoouuuuuu

<p>lol 63-7. we totally crushed them! FIGHT ON!</p>

<p>correction: 63-17</p>

<p>FIGHT ON!</p>

<p>does anyone know how to actually schedule an interview?</p>

<p>It is an arduous process. I remember having to go online into the website and finding the secret page in which you reserve an interview. It was just too much work to continue the treasure hunt so I gave up and did not interview. Call USC and ask them. When I did a woman had me go onto the USC website and told me how to find it because she said it was hidden.</p>

<p>Scheduling an interview at USC is nearly impossible. Calling didn't even work. I actually visited the campus myself and talked to an admissions officer who made me the appt. They really do seem to discourage interviews (only 20% do them) but if you get it, by all means, it helps your chances. Especially for low test scores.</p>

<p>I just wanna say that when I applied, the interview for USC was a little different than I had expected...if you get one, just be prepared for a few offbeat questions. For example, I was asked to describe what I liked/disliked about where I lived, another girl I know was asked to talk about her unusual name and where it came from, etc. The interviews are generally straight forward but I do think they ask some quirky ones just to make sure your answers aren't all completely rehearsed.</p>

<p>yahh FIGHT ONN!!!</p>

<p>ok so, what are we saying the interview or not??! i mean, it can't HURT your chances...right? (well unless you screw up like really badly. then obviously...)</p>

<p>Scheduling an interview was actually easy for me (and my friends). I think I received an email with the appointment link, clicked on it, logged in, chose the time/place, and that's it. Appointment confirmed.</p>

<p>Here's the link for scheduling an interview:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>It should be nice and easy once you find the site...</p>

<p>Do try and schedule an appointment either on or off-campus. USC wants to hear that you really, really want to go there, and you'll get a chance to be more than just a set of paper credentials when they consider your application. Go to the off-campus presentations that USC has. Find out who the regional rep is. Talk with that, and make that person your advocate. Remember to send a thank you note after an interview.</p>

<p>does anyone know if USC has representatives that visit certain cities and do interviews for out-of-state applicants? I live in Atlanta and since my test scores are really low, I think an interview would increase my chances of being accepted...</p>

<p>nvm!! i found what i was looking for</p>

<p>I had my interview it was really cool the people are really nice they just ask you questions like what are your favorite classes</p>

<p>thank you guys so much for giving me the link like my friends and I were soooooo frustrated that we couldn't find it...then I just came here. thanks!</p>

<p>omg notre dame...</p>

<p>omg indeed =O</p>

<p>hahah hello</p>