Admission process for transfer students

<p>I just completed my freshman year at a community college in southern california. I know its a broad question but I am very curious about the whole process a university goes through when selecting potential transfer students from local areas and non-local. Right now I am completing most of my undergrad work, and working on a few prerequisites for Nursing at a college that is not in the region of the university I would like to transfer to which is San Diego State. How could I increase my chances of getting accepted to colleges that are non-local? My overall GPA right now is at 3.7</p>

<p>Also, I am somewhat confused in how assist works aswell as the transfer process. For instance, do I have to complete all the pre-requisites for a major before I am accepted to the university that I am required to declare my major to? Or, do I just have to finish the IGETC portion to be able to transfer? If I just finish the IGETC portion do I have to complete the rest of the prerequisites at the University?</p>

<p>There is a whole sub-forum just for this kind of question located inside the Transfer Forum. To find it, go to the main page that lists all of the forums, and scroll down. Here is a direct link for you: [UC</a> Transfers - College Confidential](<a href=“]UC”>UC Transfers - College Confidential Forums)</p>

<p>My counselor told me that some schools understand that you cant finish all pre-reqs and IGETC. i think its fine as long as you have most of it done.
you can finish your prereqs at state, but you should ask them.
^this is just what my counselor told me.</p>

<p>Otsoxotso, you’re filipino, aren’t you? </p>

<p>otso-otso LOL</p>