Admission rate me


<p>I'm a prospective Danish international student, of the semester 2011.</p>

<p>I would love to attend Geneseo, because it resembles exactly what i'm looking for in a university.</p>

<p>My problem is, that i come from a scholastic system that is not equivalent to the American system. Which means admissions requirements are going to be very hard to meet for me.
Per say, in Denmark if we have a student in the COUNTRY with straight A's he'd pretty much get shown on television and in the newspapers, which is no where close to how the American system is.</p>

<p>This ultimately results in me having a GPA og 3.2/ 3.19 which is not BAD, but definitely not 3.5+ as I've heard Geneseo wants.</p>

<p>However I have taken the SAT once without and preparatory training. It had an outcome of 550 CR 500 math. Which I've been studying for and am hoping to boost to the 650's.</p>

<p>To Sum me up.</p>

3.19 gpa
somewhere between 1200-1300 SAT.</p>

<p>However I'm a dedicated student, per say in high school I've already done business classes, where I did stuff like reading the whole curriculum in my vacation before first class out of pure interest, I've been reading harvard cases and presenting them on class, also this has resulted in great letters of recommendation by my teachers in both economics, and Business classes.</p>

<p>Further more i'm the danish champion of HALF Ironman in my age-group.
Which means i'm a tremendous athlete and i can run a 5k in around 15 minutes, which is way better than the geneseo runners as they are a division III college.</p>

<p>I've also been working a year and saving up to pay to go to the states, and i will be paying for my own college degree over there which states both maturity and financial responsibility.</p>

<p>And as a last note I'm running my own business where i import bikes from Taiwan and resell them and i've currently managed to have a gross earning of around a quarter of a million dollars and i'm only 18 years old.</p>

<p>SO i guess my ECs are probably a lot better than an average college applicant.
But my scores well due to the system differences are rather low.</p>

<p>So it might be a tough one to call, or it might not, depending on how much they evaluate international students on their scores.</p>

<p>This is why i need you Geneseo people to help me :)</p>

<p>Because i wouldn't wanna be wasting my time on filling out applications for financial aid to the danish government and applying for geneseo if you guys can instantly rule me out.</p>



<p>Hey Matt, </p>

<p>Great to hear that you are interested in Geneseo. I agree your ECs are strong and you are an international student which is also important for Geneseo to consider as they are working hard to make the campus more diverse. </p>

<p>This is what I would do…contact the International Students Services office at Geneseo. I provided the link below:
[ISS</a> | SUNY Geneseo](<a href=“]ISS”>International Student & Scholar Services | SUNY Geneseo)</p>

<p>They should be able to provide you with more information.</p>

<p>How did you hear about Geneseo?</p>

<p>You should also contact the cross country & track coaches. If you are willing to commit to run while at Geneseo they may be able to use one of their “special talent” designations for you. This would greatly increase your chances for acceptance.</p>

<p>Thx for the advice :)</p>

<p>by the way would it be worth mentioning for admission,
that I grew up in the states, which has led to me being able to understand and see myself much clearly as a global citizen, and to prove that i would easily adapt to the culture and norms, or would they rather prefer a depicted picture of a student with a lot of foreign culture, and little knowledge of American culture?</p>

<p>I’ve heard about Geneseo because i’ve been checking out every single college in the united states of America, seeing the price tags, researching their rankings, researching their financial aid for international students e.c.t So that I do not take a step in the wrong direction.</p>

<p>If you want a more specific answer I believe that I found out about Geneseo via Kiplinger’s best buy Review that had it listed as nr#2.</p>

<p>Also - Would you happen to know, as a graduate, if the scholarship “in-residence scholar” is attainable in indefinite amounts, or no?</p>

<p>because no specific requires to attain it are listed on the website, but maybe you know, after having spoken with students at the uni, what the requirements are?
I hit it up on merit and they had it listed as a min. req of 3.0, would i be guaranteed that scholarship then?</p>



<p>Thanks a lot CSdad</p>

<p>No i would probably not want top commit a lot to sports anylonger hence my academics are in the main focus.
However i don’t like cross country running, but i see that there is a track and field team, I was wondering if you know if they have this “speciel talent” thingy too?
Also, what does it do? Does it like guarantee me acceptance or something?</p>

<p>They do have Track & Field but you make yourself much more attractive if you do both. Each sport gets a specific number of “special talent” admits. These students wouldn’t normally be accepted without the coach “tagging” them as “special talent”. You would still have to have SAT’s of probably 1150 (CR + M). I’m not sure about the GPA, epecially taking into account your countries system of grading.</p>

<p>Allright I see, i would not have to compete competitively then i suppose?
Since they’re division 3, and they aren’t running for scholarships and money, but rather a spot on the team?
Maybe i should contact them :), i won’t quit running and doing sports i just do not wish to do it competitively(by saying that I mean, prioritizing sports over studies, as i did in High School) Which i’m afraid signing up for a team would be. I would have to be at specific places at specific times, when even with coordination of assignments, they would probably collide now and then and I would have to fulfill the obligations to the team first.</p>

<p>But thanks for the tip though :slight_smile:
I just got my letter of recommendation, i hope it will be good enough to help get me in:)</p>

<p>“Allright I see, i would not have to compete competitively then i suppose?”</p>

<p>…to get in on special talent you would be expected to be a competing member of their team and one of their better runners.</p>