Admission Revoked

<p>Can admission be revoked due to an F in a non-transferable class?</p>

<p>No they only care about transferrable courses</p>

<p>I called them today and my UCI admission counselor was not there. I am so nervous…
One of the terms On the provisional admission states that my gpa at the last school atended should be greater than 2.0. But it doesn’t say that is for transferable courses only. Will that have a negative impact? I will still be in good standing…</p>

<p>It’s always a possibility especially if the school doesn’t list your current classes. Sometimes your conditions might just say complete ALL classes you listed on your application with Cs (which would include everything you’re currently taking whether it’s transferable or not). Tons of people post things saying this. But once again, no one here can answer this in your particular case. You need to talk to the admissions office ahead of time and if they say they’re not sure, try to speak with someone else. I was told that I would be rescinded without hesitation if I don’t follow my Cal conditions of admission exactly. Mine had said I needed B’s in 3 specific classes I’m taking because it’s a requirement for pre-reqs for transfers into the College of Chemistry. My issue was that one of the classes wasn’t required for my major so I spoke to my admissions counselor, then the undergraduate Chemistry Dept counselor, and then the undergraduate dean of Chemistry, & I was assured that I would be revoked for even receiving a C (still not sure why since the class isn’t required). Then again, other students have said that they have no problems with receiving a W in their Spring semester or even an F. Just see what admissions says but try to get a definite answer potentially in writing (email) so that they don’t give you issues about it later on when you can’t SIR somewhere else.</p>

<li>Oops I mean if the school doesn’t list your exact classes on your conditions of admission. I was mentioning this because my UCR one says finish ALL spring classes though I doubt they would have a problem with an F.</li>

<p>They don’t list specific classes. They just say have a semester gpa of 2.0 or over. Would that include non transferable classes you think?
I will call them tomorrow since my counselor was gone for the day. But I am just trying to relieve my anxiety…</p>

<p>Well there’s nothing you can do at this point except try not to get an F! Go study!</p>

<p>This is so complicated. This is a class that I am enrolled at a university abroad. I will be getting an F (as I have been for the past few years because I simply don’t live there. I explained all That in my application, and they still accepted me. So I am hoping the letter with conditions they sent me is just a standard form, that will be flexible due to my (very) complicated situation.</p>

<p>Out of curiosity, why do you keep enrolling in it? Or do you have to?</p>

<p>I have to. There is no w grade and I need to keep my enrollment going. I know that is so complicated. I stated all of that when I applied, so I am hoping they were kind of expecting this to happen. It is a non-transferable class after all…</p>