<p>Hi! I'm new to this, so I'm not sure if I'm posting in the correct section.</p>
<p>Anyway, I applied to a number of independent schools in NYC and I finally I received many of my admissions letters this week.
These are the most important ones:</p>
<p>Wait listed:
-Dalton ("very top of a small wait list", according to the letter)
And others....</p>
<p>Questions: </p>
<p>1.I'm struggling with the decision of fighting for Dalton or settling for Avenues.
If any Dalton alumni see this, please give me some insight about the pros/cons + overall experience. Any current students at Avenues the World School, also feel free to describe your experience so far.</p>
<li><p>What are my chances of getting off the wait list, considering that I'm at the top?</p></li>
<li><p>Is the student body of the upper school at Avenues truly international?</p></li>
<p>Btw, congratulations to other applicants and their families on reaching the culmination of this taxing process! And good luck to all...</p>
<p>Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Thank you!!</p>
<p>While I’ve only heard of Dalton, and most CC’ers only specialize in Boarding Schools, I’ll take a short stab at it.</p>
<p>Love the school that loves you is a good phrase, but Dalton is a great school from what I’ve heard. If you can stay on the Dalton waitlist until the other schools need your decision, do that. If not, pick your favorite school that accepted you, or you’ll have to risk the possibility of coming out with nothing.</p>
<p>I agree with this one kid, I go to a school in Interschool w/Dalton, and it really is a great school. Avenues seems like a good school, but the problem is that it is just starting out, and there’s no way to know if it will be a good or successful school in the future. I would stay on Dalton’s WL for as long as possible, and if it doesn’t work out, I would go to Avenues</p>
<p>In the classification system of NYC private schools, Dalton is considered to be one of the “top tier” ones. York is generally considered to be near the bottom (not that it’s a bad school, but that’s generally the view of it compared to the other private schools here in NYC). Dwight is an interesting case. It has a strong International Baccaulaureate program but also has an LD program. So, there’s a wide range of students there. Avenues is a mystery program. It’s a brand new school in its first year. In fact, the highest grade is currently 9th grade. Next year they will have a 10th grade and so on. No one really knows what to make of it yet. It has an interesting approach. And there are a lot of heavyweights involved in the school with the former long-time heads of Dalton and Exeter serviing as co-heads of the school.</p>
<p>Is there any reason not to wait out the Dalton wait list? But be warned, the chances of getting of it are fairly small no matter where you are on it since many years, the wait list won’t move at all.</p>
<p>Thanks for the help!
I’m going to visit Avenues next week and I’ll visit Dalton if I get in, which will hopefully give me some clarity. I have crossed out Dwight and York.</p>
<p>lwmfadl: did you visit Avenues? we are also considering it, even though I should not assume I’ll be accepted (late applicant), and I have an acceptance from a top 8 BS. Would love to get some feedback from you or others who attend the school.</p>