
I worked two full time jobs and had an infant son at the time, while attending a community college. Grades ranged from 2.4 to 2.5. Obviously I did poorly. Transferred to a different school, and brought it up to a 2.8 and a 3.2. Overall leaving me with a 2.8 accumulative GPA. That’s what I graduated with, including my transfer credits.

Now I have the ability to stay home and attend Champlain, but I’m concerned that my old record will come back to haunt me.

I submitted my resume, my application, and my transcripts. Now I’m just waiting

The requirement is a minimum of a 2.4 to get in, are they only going to be concerned with my final graduation GPA? Thanks!

Anyone else have a similar experience?

Hi Jessica! I saw your post on the other thread - I’m going to respond with the same message in both places just to make sure you see it!

We pay attention to the growth that students show over the course of their educational history, and it sounds as though you’ve really shown tremendous growth as you’ve progressed through the different institutions. We understand that sometimes life gets a little in the way, but it sounds like you were able to overcome that as time went on, which is what we love to see! I think this will stand out in the review process. It’s hard to say with certainty what your decision will be without having the other pieces of your application as context, but it sounds like you’re on a good path. I’m hopeful that we might be able to provide a positive result to the process for you!

Please let me know if you have additional questions or concerns through the process. We’re here to help!

Thank you Nicole. I can hope