Admit weekend

<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>I was wondering if a current student or parent could share a bit of info about admit weekend in April. The tentative schedule that has been sent out already seemed a bit duplicative. Is it the kind of program where you want to attend all 3 days? Additionally, is it the kind of weekend where parents get much out of or is it more focused on selling the kids on the school? Just curious and any informed comments would be greatly appreciated. It's never too early to make travel plans nowadays. :)</p>

<p>It’s focused on the kids, but it’s not about selling them anything.</p>

<p>Admit weekend is about giving prospective students the chance to meet current Stanford students and get the kind of information that Stanford can’t print in booklets and that doesn’t show up in statistics. It’s about getting a feel for the campus by spending 72 consecutive hours there. Most importantly though, it’s about giving you the chance to meet your prospective classmates.</p>

<p>By no means can you learn everything there is to know about being a Stanford undergrad through spending one weekend here. But I think you’ll find that your child will have a much better idea about what Stanford really is after having attended.</p>

<p>My daughter made her final college visits during times other than the admit weekends – so she could attend classes and experience the schools under more usual circumstances. I think this approach was very beneficial. She was fortunate to know people she could stay with because the schools offered varying amounts of assistance with her off-schedule visits.</p>

<p>My son and I attended admit weekend in April 2008. He went a day early so he could sit in on a couple of classes. He was deciding between an east coast Ivy League school and Stanford but had never visited the Stanford campus. He knew within the first couple of days that it was the best fit for him. There were so many interesting activities for the parents that I was occupied all day and only saw my son when we accidentally bumped into eachother at an event for parents & prospective students. Everything was very well-organized. I stayed at a nearby hotel and he stayed on campus with his student host. It is definitely worth attending!</p>

Did you attend all 3 days? Thanks for your response.</p>

<p>Speaking as a mom that went to Admit Weekend, I had a fabulous time.</p>

<p>We stayed 2 1/2 days.</p>

<p>Feel free to PM me if you have specific questions.</p>

<p>We stayed 4 days and attended all the events - arrived Weds night, attended Thurs classes, left late Sunday. We wanted to take our time and make an informed decision.</p>