
<p>ok well I got my letter in the mail today. I got accepted but it was only 1 paper saying i got in and how great U of A is, but absolutely no talk about scholarships! does this mean i dont get one? anybody else who got in, post your stuff in my format.</p>

<p>Decision: Admit
Major: Pre-Business
GPA: 3.32 w (and 3.8 junior year)
SAT: 2010 (720 math, 640 reading, 650 writing)
good ECs
Scholarship offers: none</p>

<p>Those don't come until Feb. My Daughter was given a large packet to the Honors College in October. All of her scholarship offers came the first week of Feb. (Tulane, Miami and UA) The full Scholarship to UF we got in December, but that came from the state.</p>

<p>Are you an admit to the Honors College? Or just U of A? </p>

<p>Are you from an area that doesn't have alot of students coming to AZ. My D says that there way too many from CA. These are factors in scholarship offers. Her friends that have scholarships are from MI, NY and GA. She from FL.</p>

<p>Is there anyway of applying to the honors college after getting accepted to U of A?</p>

<p>Only after being a is on the Honors home page.</p>

<p>I dont think I checked the box if there was one, for the honors college. I think it said you have to have a 3.5... i might just be getting colleges mixed up though.</p>

<p>I live on the san francisco peninsula. Its probably overrepresented, but only 1 kid from my school is in the class of 2009. We had a U of A person come to my school for a meeting thing and only 4 people showed up, me and my friend are the only 2 serious about apply though.</p>

<p>good to hear that I still have a chance for a scholarship. How much do you guys think I can get with the above stats?</p>


<p>Hey Taffy --</p>

<p>They are firm on a HS 3.8 gpa unweighted on a core group of courses for honors. The alternative is obtaining a 3.5 at Uof A as stated on the site. Good luck!</p>

<p>Does anyone know if the rolling admissions only applies to the undergrads?</p>

<p>heres the deal: something went wrong at U of Arizona and a lot of people who got scholarships were not notified about it in the acceptance letter. The area rep for me said I got a scholarship. Now i just have to wait for the letter to come in the mail so i can find out how much they wanna give me.</p>

<p>I got my admission letter today as well!</p>

<p>3.6gpa, 1980 SAT</p>

<p>stop applying to my colleges! haha jk</p>

<p>arizona and illinois, and im sure we have some other ones in common</p>

<p>I got in too. I heard about some kids in my school getting scholarships early too and I was wondering abt that. Did they say when you would be getting a letter about it? I got a letter giving me an application for the President's Award of Excellence scholarship or something but Im not sure what that thing is. Could you tell me how you found out that you got a scholarship?</p>

<p>i asked my college/career adviser at school about it, and she asked the arizona rep, who found out that i did get a merit scholarship... ill try to find the exact email...</p>

<p>"Hello Admissions,</p>

<p>Just an FYI that due to a Matrix glitch, a small number of students
will end up receiving separate admission letters from the merit award
letters even if they were supposed to receive a merit award in the initial
admit letter. And, because the admission letters took less time to QC than award letters, the two letters may not have gone out the same day. This Matrix glitch has been fixed,and anyone who did qulaify for an award will still get an award letter."</p>

<p>So people who got scholarships will prolly get a letter soon then or has been fixed to send people one during Feb.?</p>

<p>we should get letters soon. ill expect mine within the next week.</p>

<p>K thanks for the help!</p>

<p>ugh...I sent an email and they didnt really tell me whats goin on. People are getting scholarships now and later I guess. This is the reply:</p>

<p>Congratulations! We are happy you are coming to the University of
Just glancing at your Admissions record, I can see you are an excellent
candidate for some degree of tuition award. I can not tell you at this
what you are likley to be offered. Please know that the "Holistic
committee meets January through March and will choose the best
candidates for
some level of tuition waiver. If you are to be awarded they will let
you know
by late March.</p>

<p>I don't know why anyone would worry about getting into this school or anything else about this school. They take just about everyone.</p>

<p>crawl in a cave and die.</p>

<p>Look. I got a full scholarship there for the next four years and I haven't even tried. It's the easiest school to get into, and their pre-med advising sucks. Unless you're studying astronomy, I can't imagine who would actually benefit from this school</p>

<p>im waiting.</p>