Admitted But Dropping Classes in HS?

<p>So i was admitted into electrical engineering and second semester has started in my high school. I am a Senior in my third year of Foreign Language, and I want to just drop the class. Our teacher had a baby and has hired a sub that I don't like.</p>

<p>My schedule is also already overloaded, and I am taking a gym class before school starts so that I can fit all my classes in. If I could drop the foreign language, i wouldn't have to get up so early, and deal with the sub who is just a bad teacher. </p>

<p>I went to my counselor hoping I could drop the class, but he says If I intend to go to UIUC and drop a class, my admission will be taken away, because they admitted me based on what classes I would have finished.</p>

<p>Is this true? Would UIUC reject me because I only take 2.5 years of a foreign language even though I told them I would do 3? It's not like I will be using it in EE?</p>

<p>My advice is to deal with it. I just got my schedule today and I wanted to drop my social studies class completely but my counselor convinced me that it is not worth it to jeopardize admission to the college over this.</p>

<p>yeah even if you get like a B- in the class you’ll still be able to go to illinois. don’t worry about it and just stick it out</p>

<p>Call Illinois Admissions and ask them. See what they say, since they’re the people who can rescind your offer of admission. I’d agree with DMan. You need to deal with teachers you may or may not like. That’s life.</p>

<p>My son toyed with changing his schedule, but now that classes have started, he is happy and staying in all classes. One more hassle averted!</p>