<p>Did anyone else get horrible aid? I definitely can't go if this is what they're giving me. :(</p>
<p>I got a scholarship plus grants all totaling about 50,000. Did you check your financial aide account? That is where i found all of my info. However, at this point, i have had better offers from others schools so i don’t know yet. I would call the financial aid office if i were you and see what you can work out. My friend went to MHC and at first, she also got dismal financial aid. However, they were able to negotiate something better with her.</p>
<p>It says my student contribution is $32,000 and my parental contribution is $10,000; I’ve only been awarded about $10,000. I come from a family with an income of under $40,000, so there’s no way I can afford that. :(</p>
<p>40,000? Goodness, that is really rather a weird financial aide combo. My family makes over that much and i got a basic full ride. Do you/your parents have any assets like stocks and such? I would really call them if i were you because that seems off to me. I don’t know what they can do at this juncture , but there is no harm in trying! I hope everything works out for you!</p>
<p>yeah mine is wayyyy messed up! they’re hardly giving me anything at all! I think my Dad is going to call in a few days. Glad I’m not the only one that’s worried</p>
<p>@sonjanicky29 - Nope. I <em>DO</em> have a trust fund set up (my father died when I was pretty young and left me some money), but its plummeted in value due to the recession, and I have to split it with my sister, so it definitely won’t cover this.
@englishivy - Ugh, I know. Let me know how your war with the FA office goes; I made need to wage one myself.</p>
<p>Hmm @squaregirl. From what i understand, they will only see the value of the account as a whole. So i would call and explain your situation to them they might be able to give out more aid knowing the true nature of your trust.</p>
<p>How did you guys get your fin aid information? I applied, but I don’t think I ever got a password…</p>
<p>EDIT: Never mind, I had it emailed to me. Okay, another question: I got a $20, 000 scholarship and it says the parental contribution is x amount. Does that mean my parents have to pay x amount, or x - $20,000?</p>
<p>I’m wondering the same thing as ajlangs. I don’t know how to access it.</p>
<p>You need to apply for it in the box where you put your username and password. Put in your username and than at the bottom of the box, there is a link for sending your pin!</p>
<p>student contribution 0
parent 10500
i am gonna negotiate to get it down to 2000 or lower cuz my twin also got in and we cant pay for both</p>
<p>I can’t figure out how to see my financial aid package… I have my username and password but I don’t see any information when I login. Anyone?</p>
<p>I got a 21st Century Scholarship- $20,000, but NO financial aid. NONE. FAFSA said my parents would have to pay about $35k (already unbelievable for my family, and that’s after corrections- there is NO WAY we could pay past maybe $23k), not the entire thing. Student contribution is $1650, parent $45,350.</p>
<p>I like MHC, but man, at this point I’m going to have to pray for someone else to give me lots of money. Either that or a stranger on the street randomly hands me a wad of cash equal to four years of tuition. That would be pretty great.</p>
<p>Bustles; you need a separate PIN for Fin Aid.</p>
<p>I got a great package! My parental contribution is $10,000 which is exactly what I asked for. The rest consists of mainly grant aid and external scholarships. I have to return about $2000 each year by working on campus. Also, I’m an international student so I wasn’t expecting much aid in the light of the economy. I hope all of you’ll eventually get the aid you’ll need!</p>
<p>i got a parental contribution of $21,000… idk how they figured out my parents will be able to pay that much!!! i said nothing beyond $6,000 from my parents </p>
<p>I agree… i need a stranger in the street to gimme money… or for another offer from another college</p>
<p>my parental contribution is $6250. We’re pretty fine with it, but wonder how they thought that my parents can pay it if our annual income is around $27000. I’m an international though…</p>
<p>I have a student contribution of $0, then a parent contribution of $32000, and roughly $10000 in grants and loans… which doesn’t make sense because they don’t add up to the total cost! I hope this is a mistake.</p>
<p>tiakivla, I’m with you–21st Century Scholar and no need-based FA. I’m kind of concerned, they calculated my parents’ contribution as being pretty high, and I have a twin brother who’s entering college next year, too…So I’m happy about getting the scholarship, but I’m nervous that my other schools who don’t give merit aid won’t think I deserve need-based aid at all. :(</p>
<p>Yeah, I got the 21st Century Scholarship and some need-based aid, but they still want about $15,000 dollars a year when my family only makes about $80,000 and most of that goes to fixed expenses… Our FAFSA EFC was only about $8500. I don’t know, maybe we have different ideas about debt than most people, but my parents are very reluctant to take out much in loans. I’m hoping that the Smith package will come back better.</p>