Admitted Student Event April 1

My son could not register for this because he was accepted just last week. While there is another such event schedule for April 22, my sone wants to make up his mind sooner.

There is however, space avail for him during the second half of the event at his college, which may be more important for him decisionmaking. Does anyone here have the schedule of events in the morning portion? I am planning to “sneak in” since we will be on campus that day anyway.

For anyone interested, we did indeed participate in the event, just by showing up at the Union South building. The second part sponsored by his college was the most valuable. The first part had a few options to choose from, including Research Opportunites, which we chose. In this portion we were given meal vouchers and had we not attended the Engineering event, we could have gone on housing or campus walking tours in the afternoon. Also in the afternoon there was a information fair in the Discovery Center with booths from housing, finanacial aid, clubs, etc.

Thanks for the update, @msd228. Now I wish my son had also walked on yesterday, instead of waiting for April 22!

Regarding the engineering event, is this an option given when you check in? It was not offered as an option when my son signed up for the April 22 visit. (The only choice was the campus tour v. residential community tour.)

What are the other sessions offered in the morning, other than research opportunities? I’d be interested in hearing any other thoughts you have after the visit. Is your son more or less interested in UW after yesterday?

You do not have the option to select Engineering when you arrive at the “Your UW Day” event. Engineering was an invitation event, and if they are doing it again on April 22, you will probably get word of it in advance. When I called the engineering dept to see if there was an admitted event where he could see laboratory space etc. and they told me about the Apr 1 event. I think they were unaware that there was a whole crop of newly admitted students who had not ben included so were very accomodating in giving us two of the 7 spaces available. He had the opportunity to prioritize among the majors which were scheduled in different classroooms and buildings throughout the afternoon. Following those sessions, which each included a student panel for that major, the parent or guest was able to partake of a lovely reception with hot and cold appetizers while mingling with faculty and administrators. We left the campus early since my son did not need anymore convincing.

The UW Day Schedule:
8:30-9 check in
9-9:30 Opening remarks from Admisssions and a Professor
9:35-10:15 and 10;25-11:05 optional sessions: staff and student panels, research presentation, faculty lecture.
111-12:15 travel to lunch in a Univ Housing Dining Facility
12:15-2 tour
2-3 Campus resource fair

You asked whether our son was more or less interested? Well, he wanted to commit that very day! We have our doubts however. With a premier program in-state as one of his options, it is tough to justify the $66K premium for Wisconsin. They have a lake and cool town, big deal. My husband has a PhD in engineering and was not pursuaded that Wisconsin had anything special to offer. Got the feeling from the many interactions we had that it is difficult to graduate in four years. No mention of schoarships that might still be in the pipeline or availablilty down the road.

Thanks for your reply! I totally understand how you feel about the OOS tuition. It’s the same reason we’re leaning toward Wisconsin and Minnesota, and away from UIUC and Purdue. I have concerns about the four-year graduation probability at all of these institutions. :slight_smile: