Should I go to UW Day? My situation.

I have already visited and toured UW once in early-February. Is the UW Day worthwhile to attend from OOS (CA)? Is it new information or repetitive?

Also, I am already signed up for and will attend the admitted students reception in LA. Is this enough or should I attend an on-campus admitted students day as well.

I am definitely leaning towards attending Wisconsin, but I am still trying to figure out my decision.

The LA event may be more of a social hour, could be wrong so I’d look into that. UW Day you’ll meet with dept people in your intended major to address whatever question or concerns you have. The personal touch is necessary and important to some who are on the fence with their decision but there is much you can learn from the UW portal. You’ve already been here, toured the campus, and know it’s one of the top 25 universities in the world so I’d save your money and wait for orientation week.

@UW2016 Alright. Thank you for your input. I am just a bit conflicted on whether to attend UW or another school and am figuring that attending UW day may give me some helpful insight. We’ll see I guess.