Has anyone been to the Admitted Student Session?

I haven’t been able to find info on what the agenda is for this session online. What do they cover? Do you get to meet with people from your major?
Also, this session runs from 12:30 to 3. We want to do the residence hall tour, but those seem to clash with the above session.
We are OOS. I’d appreciate any insight from anyone who has visited recently.

My info is several years old, so I cannot speak directly to current sessions, so this may be less than useful. But, the admitted student event my student attended was well-organized, with panel discussions led by faculty, students, addressing general academic issues as well as more specific, like undergrad research programs etc., and then optional events, including dorm tours. We are OOS as well, and as a current parent, what continues to impress me is that UW “works” – registrar, bursar, academic programs – things happen the way they are supposed to, people respond to emails, things get done.