Admitted students visit?

<p>Does anyone know when the admitted students visitation is usually scheduled? I couldn't find anything on the Fordham site (D was admitted to Lincoln Center campus) and I read that they have an admitted students visit day, I think in April? Thanks.</p>

<p>April 17 for Lincoln Center and April 18 for Rose Hill. It says on one of the pages in my acceptance package</p>

<p>This probably doesn’t help but there is an Admitted Students Orientation day for spring students on January 9th. Orientation is mandatory and is led by orientation letters. The school said it will followup on those who do not attend.</p>

<p>^you mean for transfers right?</p>

<p>I was a transfer and didn’t attend the full Orientation. I went for one hour (not the full three days) decided it was a bit juvenile (as most college’s orientations are) and went home. I was never followed-up on or received reprimands for it.
In fact, if I recall correctly, they barely even keep track of who was there and who wasn’t.</p>

<p>I think it’s something Freshman should attend but for transfers who attended orientation at their first college, it’s basically a repeat of everything you’ve already gone through.
However, some of the information seemed useful, i.e. if you’re not from the city, they do show how to use the subway and give a tour of the west side.</p>

<p>ETA: OP - [Undergraduate</a> Admission Events at Fordham](<a href=“]Undergraduate”>
They have a list of visit days here. I believe it’s for both admitted and not admitted students, though.</p>

<p>Thanks to all who replied. I guess the info was in D’s acceptance packet, I was so excited that she got in, I never read the rest of it! Too bad, it’s only that one day, as that weekend presents a conflict for us. Oh well, I guess we’ll wait for the orientation prior to fall semester starting. It’s not like we haven’t visited already–we did a campus visit in April, another in June and attended the Open House in October. Just wanted another excuse to visit NYC!</p>

<p>The main benefits of going to the orientation for admitted students are to see who will be your classmates and possible roommates and then hearing Fr. McShane give his very inspirational speech to “close the sale.” And talking with him later, meeting club officers, faculty members etc. Move-in Orientation is really about "college life, the rules of the road, getting class schedules, meeting roommates (and their parents), getting acclimated.</p>

<p>I do strongly recommend the admitted student orientation for the above reasons, so if you can change your schedule, do so. Good luck.</p>