<p>I like the British accent too. I hope Kebree develops an authentic one :)</p>
<p>I could, but I'd be billed a fraud the second I admit my place of birth.....</p>
<p>I mean for us. While you're traveling through europe, you sort of...suck in all the accents and unleash them on us weak-kneed-for-foreign-accents Americans when you return =)</p>
<p>lol, i love southern accents, i wish i had one...</p>
<p>Can you have a New York accent? (I know you can have Bronx/Brooklyn accents and I have neither)</p>
<p>haha kat when u go to europe and then go off to college which will be pton =D u will lose that little southern accent of urs! MWA HA HA! YES! down with the southern accent! haha</p>
<p>Oh but she will be so sophisticated with her authentic british accent!
I can see it now- late night Frist discussions centered around Kat's mesmerizing voice :p</p>
<p>hahaha kat will be the official bed time story reader =D so we can all just sit around and listen to the beautiful british accent</p>
<p>Oh wow. Now, on top of getting into the [Southern accent]darn[/Southern accent] school, I have to pick up a flawless British accent and read bed-time stories in it....the pressure is just too intense.</p>
<p>And kevin, you can't have heard a real Southern accent if you hate it. =)</p>
<p>ooh brilliant idea; Kat should write/illustrate children's books and then read them to us!</p>