<p>someone seems... bitter, altho i shouldn't say that cuz i don't know them... don't listen to me, i'm an idiot!</p>
<p>1530 (780 M/750 V), AP Stat, Phys B, Calc BC, Calc AB Subscore, Psych all 5's, 5 classes at UPenn (Intro to Bio, Calc 2(Multi-var), Intro to Stat (2nd semester), Calc 4 (partial diff eqs & complexe analysis), intro to microecon), 2 classes at Harvard (Lin. Alg. & Diff EQs, Math of Symmetry, audited Calculating Pi), extra rec from Harvard prof</p>
<p>ok whats your point</p>
<p>^^^ funny post :)</p>
<p>dLo, you're like a lot of MIT applicants...</p>
<p>dLo, maybe you were TOO stereotypical? they gotta balance out the brains with idiots like me...</p>
<p>dLo, that's very depressing. Is ittrue? Do you have any idea why you would be rejected?</p>
<p>dLo. I'm very sorry to hear that but I notice your age is 17? did you apply early?</p>
<p>this makes me wonder about the admission again.</p>
<p>I'm just young for my grade. I turn 18 in September. And there's plenty more like me. If you take a look a look at a lot of the Caltech admittees, many have similar stats as me and were waitlisted/rejected from MIT.</p>
<p>Hey Penthesilia can you post the MIT Stats for '09 and/or the acceptance letter?</p>
<p>dLo, you're not alone</p>
<p>My son was rejected by both MIT and Princeton with 1500 SAT (750/750) weighted GPA 4.23; took every AP class possible and got 5's on all the tests, class rank 17/797, MENSA member...etc. etc. Wasn't even waitlisted. </p>
<p>His worst statistic may be the simple fact that he does not belong to any minority group - oh well</p>
<p>It's certainly not the end of the world, and I have to say that it's their loss. There just arent enough slots for the bright students out there. Don't feel bad; in Germany where university education is free there are too many graduates and those who do find jobs earn relatively much lower salaries than in the U.S. </p>
<p>I am a community college - public university transfer student graduate and I can tell you six-figure incomes and successful, fulfilling careers are possible without an Ivy-league diploma or connections. </p>
<p>You and he will succeed in spite of MIT and Princeton...</p>
<p>I really have no idea what the stats are this year for MIT and the acceptance letter is pretty long and senioritis has basically kicked in so I'm way to lazy to do it. However, I will tell you that Marilyn Jones doesn't actually sign the letter, whereas Richard Bischoff of Caltech does! It's pretty awesome.</p>
<p>see I don't understand the mystery here. urm hrmm hrmm, dlo seems to be a lot more qualified than he needs to be and i think should at least have made the waitlist. many white kids got flat out rejected with international research and intel awards. i can understand going out of their way to admit the best of each type of person that they can but they put quotas where they just shouldn't be. in this month's technology review there is an article how the entire faculty voted to double the percentage of minorities of each respective group over the next few yrs. if they really want to do affirmative action they should identify students by their pin code and perhaps maybe the town or school they go to. it's really getting to the point of keeping MITish away from mit.</p>
<p>This is one of the big differences between caltech and MIT. Caltech practices almost no affirmitive action at all (illustrated in its minority and female population) while MIT does. And this is a huge reason why I personally think MIT > Caltech. I know that i want to go to school that isnt filled with 1500+sat students who have all done siemens and all won olympiads (I could see that getting boring fast...). I do completely respect Caltech for being almost entirely a meritocracy and in someways that does seem better, but i think learning in a homogenous environment does lose certain perspectives that are important socially as well as academically especially in college.... and on another note assuming a person with awesome scores would have been accepted if they were a minority is really arrogant and i realize this could just be a bit of contempt that builds up after a rejection but as soon as you start pointing fingers at minorities it makes their acceptence seem somewhat less deserving which is b/s</p>
<p>CalTech seems to live up to the stereotype of the cold myopic Institute of Technology; it boils all its candidates down to a set of numbers with no look at the context of their achievements. And another big difference between MIT and Caltech is that CalTech fields students that have done hardcore math/science research, will do hardcore math/science research while there, and after they get out will spend most of their time in a lab doing research. MIT seems to want to field candidates that will actually use what they learn and go out and change the world. That may not be the kid with 1600, 3x800 SAT scores but maybe the applicant with a 1400 that loves volunteering in their community and working with children. And fyi, this post doesn't stem from any resentment towards CalTech for not admitting me (I was admitted EA to MIT and didn't apply anywhere else) but just a simple appreciation for the fact that the AdCom at MIT gives equal weight to ALL portions of an application.</p>
<p>dlo just wrote down some tests and classes no EC's nothing that would show anything about his character, how can any of sympathize there was no attempt by him to be anything but a number</p>
<p>Are you actually familiar with his app, or are you just talking without any clue of what you're saying?</p>
<p>lol (just reading)</p>