Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship Program 2020

Whoops. This one should never expire! https: //discord. gg/xQF6a E5

(Once again I added spaces because they don’t allow links. Just type it all in w/o spaces and you’ll get the invite)

@blue1nk @cheesepanda

ahaha now im like rly scared, i just got notified that adroit exists so im gonna try to apply because i got rejected from iyws but i doubt i’ll get in…anyone have tips on crafting a strong portfolio because of the really small acceptance rate? i’d also love to join a writing discord! :blush:

Would love to join a writing discord as well!

omg I emailed them to ask about selectivity and this is what they just said: “We’ve seen an unexpected spike of more than 50% this year, due to – we presume – COVID-19 and expanded outreach this year. We expect to see a 5% acceptance rate as of right now.”

@yejinsh Thanks a ton! That’s a super thorough list–very helpful :smiley:

ahhhh I only found out about the Adroit mentorship four days before the submission deadline and my writer’s statement is super rushed. Looking at this is making me nervous! I had no idea it was so selective wow

Does anyone know when they will release admission decisions?

Around late April - Early May. I remember getting my results before AP testing started last year if that’s of any help.

@aSliceofPizza yes, thanks! Would you mind sharing what exactly the mentorship will be like and how it works? I don’t think there were a lot of details on the website or in the booklet.

Out of curiosity, does anyone know what the selection process is like? Do the mentors pick their mentees? Or do the directors do the matching?

OMG i just got an email and I’m waitlisted for poetry… does anyone know how the waitlist works? i think emails are going out!!!

i just got in for poetry!!! i think the directors do the matching. also I’d love to join a writers discord :slight_smile:

My submission on submit table still says in progress. Has everyone gotten emails?


I just emailed them asking whether all emails were sent yet, this is what they said:

All applicants will receive a decision by email! We’re sending out decisions throughout the day, and all applicants will receive a decision by 5:00PM EST.

Fingers crossed

@hihelloo ^^

Thank you!! @tangerineclock Good luck everyone :heart:

Good luck everyone!! fingers crossed ahhhh

haha i got rejected :smile: does anyone have any tips on where to go from here? I got rejected from every writing program i applied to (IYWS, Adroit, NEYWS)…is there anything else that I can try/do to prove to colleges I’m not worthless?

@yeontannie i’m sure there are still things you can apply for! like the community ambassador program on write the world, for instance. even though it’ll be different from IYWS and Adroit, you can still be productive over the summer