
<p>I'm currently enrolled as a freshman at USC. I went to a rather elite private high school in NYC and had an A-/B+ average there. My SAT scores are 2210 of 2400 on the regular SATs, 780 on Bio E, and 720 on Math Level 2. The grades I received for my first semester at USC were A in French II, A- in a standard english-type class, A in what was essentially an Intro Biology class (but aimed towards science majors), and a C in the same type of Chemistry class.</p>

<p>I'm on the books as a biology major. A college counselor I spoke to suggested Columbia, Brown, Penn, and Wesleyan as options for transferring, considering I would prefer to be in the northeast near my family and friends.</p>

<p>I'm open to any school that would have a good biology program and be in the northeast. If any one has any suggestions, or opinions on my chances I would love to hear them.</p>

<p>I realize the schools I mentioned are obviously more towards the reach end, I mainly need to find more target and safety types.</p>

<p>an A-/B+ average is approximately a 3.4 or so? and then your college gpa in your first semester is what a 3.4 as well? I don’t even know if your eligable to apply to some of those schools. Columbia i know requires at least a 3.5 to apply…with the exception of wesleyan, the schools you mentioned arent just reaches, they are out of reach…provided my calculation of your hs and college gpa’s are vaguely accurate, you need to be a bit more realistic with your expectations…why do you want to transfer? if you want to go to a school with a stronger bio program that may be hard to do with a C in one of your science classes…also what are your ec’s?</p>


<p>A college counselor who used to work in Columbia’s undergraduate admission department told me I had a reasonable chance of getting in as a transfer to all of these colleges. My C in chemistry stems from the fact that the class was geared towards kids who had taken AP chemistry in high school, whereas I took one year in 10th grade. I also got diagnosed with adhd about halfway through the semester and my grades shot up once I got put on medication, and i’m currently working with the school to get extended time for chemistry because it’s extremely hard to for me to complete the tests in the given time, a problem which no one else in the class seemed to really have. I am sending in a statement about this to all the colleges I apply to.</p>

<p>The counselor also informed me that extra curriculars are for the most part negligable in transfer admissions, so unless you’re a varsity athlete or something big, it doesn’t matter much.</p>

<p>I realize that my high school gpa may seem low in terms of the rest of the country, but kids from my school with around my gpa got into Wesleyan, Emory, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, etc.</p>

<p>You went to HS in NYC…are you still an NY resident? If so…you might want to consider the Biological Sciences major in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell. </p>

<p>Your GPA is barely outside of the competitive realm…I would recommend you check it out and see if it fits with your interests.</p>

<p>I once considered going to University of Rochester…I don’t how competitive their transfer admission is…but it might be worth looking into.</p>

<p>First of all most colleges do not have a GPA cut off. Second of all, I believe that you should apply to all the schools that interest you because they might see something special in you. You never know, you might get in. Go for it</p>