<p>I'm taking AP US Gov next year, and I learned from my teacher at sneak peek day that the class goes into detail. I also talked with three of the smartest sophomores I know, and two got a B and an A- (90), and only one got a 97. I want to get 93+ at bare minimum, but I have a habit of not doing well the first weeks of school and having to catch up throughout the semester. How can I start off strong AND stay strong throughout the year? I already have the AP US Gov book we will be using, and I plan on reading some today. Thanks :)</p>
<p>You start off strong with a determined mentality. Since it’s your first AP class it has the potential to be harder than your previous class but you should be fine if you do all your work and develop nice test studying habits (Make sure you know EVERYTHING about the notes you take in class and don’t limit yourself to any review sheets but cover everything in depth which could be on any tests).</p>
<p>Thanks for the advice.</p>
<p>Start studying…NOW.
Get an AP review book or the textbook. Start reading…</p>
<p>Go over to the AP forum and browse the “What’s the best review book?” threads for AP Gov. Some are better than others. Then once you have a good book, review it periodically throughout the year.</p>
<p>Make outlines from your textbook, take notes on what you read, etc, so you have a good baseline for the important things for when you go back and review for the exam towards the end of the year (plus it’ll help you get a good grade in the class).</p>
<p>I don’t know how much you’ll be practicing the FRQs in class, but if you don’t do that a lot, then be sure to practice them on the side. That’s the best thing you can do, is to get the format down and know what they’ll be looking for. Especially for the DBQ, because anyone can get a great grade on the DBQ if you know what they’re looking for since you’re given all the documents and don’t <em>need</em> any prior knowledge about the topic.</p>
<p>Don’t procrastinate. That came back to bite me in AP World last year because I procrastinated to the point where I’d have to do a lot in such a short amount of time so I got burned out and didn’t give 100% for said assignments and received a lower grade than I probably normally would have. On that same note, don’t procrastinate on studying either if you want to get a great grade. </p>
<p>That’s all I can think of right now but I’m probably missing something…</p>
<p>Get yourself the Crash Course book, it’s an absolute godsend!!!</p>
<p>I’m using “AP US Govt and Politics Crash Course” to self study, and started self studying earlier this summer so I have less stress later this year. Get this book, and take notes chapter by chapter (but first memorize all the terms in the beginning of the book before moving on to topics). This book will help so much. Even if you don’t get through all of it in the rest of the summer, it’ll still help and when it’s time to review for the exam in the spring it’ll definitely help then as well.</p>
<p>I used Crash Course and I’d recommend it!</p>
<p>Also: my teacher says that we will be reading about 40 pages a night. I am a fast reader, but I have to slow down to absorb the information. I go even slower when I take notes. How can I make high-quality notes in a minimal amount of time? And how can I read the pages while comprehending and retaining the information? Thanks :)</p>
<p>Sorry, I meant to say UP to 40 pages a night.</p>
<p>Hey! I have not taken AP US Gov, but I took my first AP classes as a sophomore like you. It was DEFINITELY a shock. Unlike you, I had not discovered CC, so you’re already at a huge advantage. I have always been a good student, but freshman year was not too bad and I was able to manage without spending excessive amounts of time studying. My first AP classes came as a huge shock to me, I knew the work and tests would be difficult, but I just had no idea what to expect.
People have already suggested that you begin studying now. Getting a head start would be a great idea if you have the time. Don’t underestimate the depth in which you need to know the information. Upon taking my first tests in AP classes, I was amazed at how much information you really do need to absorb and fully understand. If you can pick up a review book or two, you’ll be great. During class, keep note of what your teacher really emphasizes. This will come in handy not only during class, but especially on the test at the end of the year.
Also, try to come up with some way to make study aids that will help you throughout the year. In AP classes, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed at points will all of the information being thrown at you. By the time the AP tests come around, you may not know all the information from the beginning of the year as well as you once did. If you have flashcards or any other type of organized way to write down everything you should know, you’ll thank yourself later!
My last suggestion would be to speak with any students who have taken the class in the past. Each teacher has his or her unique way of writing tests, and if you can get a grasp of what that first test will be like, you’ll start off the year strong.
You’ll do great! Good luck and I hope I could help!</p>
<p>Hey guys, quick update:</p>
<p>Chapter 9 is the first chapter my AP gov class will be learning. I’m about 1/3 done with taking notes on Chapter 9 (10/26 pages done), and school starts tomorrow. Should I just finish taking notes on Chapter 9, or should I just take it easy. It took me like 2 hours to take notes on those 10 pages (I was procrastinating, however).</p>