Advice on choosing DP subjects?

Hi there!

This is first time posting, so please tell me if something is wrong with my formatting. ^^; I’m currently a rising 10th grader in my last year of the MYP, and I’m looking for some advice on choosing subjects for DP, because I’m extremely indecisive. Currently in the MYP, I gets 7s easily in all subjects except Spanish and P.E

The only course I know I’m taking is Spanish B SL, and that will not change no matter what. But beyond that, I’m just really looking for advice on what to take, and what the course was like in general! If you’ve taken any of these classes, I’m interested in hearing about your experiences and takeaways. =D

Here are the classes I’m debating between:

Group 1: English Lang and Lit (Wether to take SL or HL)
Group 2: Spanish B SL
Group 3: Economics, History, Psychology (My school only offers SL psych)
Group 4: Biology or Chemistry HL
Group 5: Mathematics (Wether to take SL or HL)
Group 6: Either Physics or Psychology

Thank you!

Your HL courses should reflect your strengths. What are you thinking you will major in?

Unless you need Math HL for uni, don’t take it. I took it and didn’t need it for university and it started affecting my other grades in classes that did matter. As for choosing between bio and chem HL, I take both of them and I think that biology HL is easier than chemistry HL just because I’m better at memorising. Also don’t forget you should be taking classes that are relevant for what you want to study.

Also, it depends on your major as what subjects you take. I’d advise you to take a group 6 subject (Theatre, film etc) Iit doesnt only allows you to be seen as a well-rounded, but reflects that you are a diverse person who likes to do different things. Also, group 6 slaps you in the ass and brings creativity out of you. P.S. It is extremely hard and you will always have work, actually always. Also, grade boundaries are very high. But you’ll have 5 exams only in the finals