Picking IB Subjects

I am picking my IB subjects next month and I want to make sure to have a workload that is challenging, but also not too much. The courses offered at my school are:

Math HL/SL/studs
Physics HL/SL
Chem HL
History HL/SL
Psych SL/HL
Econ HL
English HL
Spanish SL
French SL*

(* = classes I am not allowed to take)

I want to do a career with either politics/government, business, law, or maybe the medical field.
I am required to take Spanish SL and English HL. I am thinking about doing SL Math, SL Chem, HL Econ, and HL History. What do you think about my schedule? What classes would you suggest?

Hey! I’m a year 2 IB student! Its really difficult because you have so many possible careers. For medical field, however, i would suggest taking 2 sciences if you can (as group 4 and 6) because it will really help with the science foundation. I didnt take much of the same classes that you’ve chosen, but Ive heard that HL Econ and HL history are a lot of writing. I’m sorry I can’t be of much help, but I would suggest talking to your IB coordinator / college counselor.

advice i was given before entering the IB program was to choose the subjects you are good at or are dedicated to learn more about. Before dedicating yourself to a 2 year HL class, make sure it is something you enjoy learning about because you will be going in depth on that subject. econ is a relatively easy HL, probably the easiest. The science HLs are a little difficult if you do not have a good foundation in that specific subject. sl math is also relatively easy. English HL is a bit or work when it comes time for the iop but it is a really fun experience. I am currently taking psych HL. It is an easy A the first year, then it gets a little tough. it is a very interesting class tho.

based on your description of interests here is a schedule i would recommend:

English HL
History HL
Psych HL
Chem SL
Spanish SL
Math SL

if you dont want to take psych, you can swap that out for Econ, but based on my experience I found psych a lot more interesting/ fun.

all the best

Your schedule is fine. It looks like you enjoy social studies more than math/science which might be a sign that you will prefer government/law/business over medicine.

Stick with Math SL (do not take studies… will not help u at all), English HL is always a good option. I would recommend taking one science course… so maybe Chem SL (that’s what I take…)
The rest are up to you depending on how much you like the subject