Hi! I’m having problems coming up with a topic for my Common App essay.
The one thing I’ve been leaning towards is how my interest in genealogy at such a young age further led me into researching majors that involved cultures and languages, and that’s why I’ve know I’ve wanted to study International Studies since before high school. I think this is unique because not many applicants research their family’s history or get their DNA tested.
Is this good? Or should I focus more on leadership/summer programs/how my failures have changed me, etc even though they could be considered “cliche?”
Thanks for any advice!
I like the genealogy & DNA testing, it is different. What you need to do if figure out how to make it more about your personality, how it has changed you, what makes you tick. Showing vs telling is important. Specific incidents are good.
Great, thank you, @intparent!
I’m sure with some thinking I can incorporate all of that. I want my essay to really stand out, so I’m hoping this topic will grab the attention of admissions.
Hoping for more opinions on this topic! 
I think it’s a great topic. It shows that you really know how to pursue your interests, and that you’re not just doing whatever’s “cool” or grabbing at resume fodder.
Alright, perfect. Thanks for the advice, @nerdwriter!