ADVICE PLEASE--i'm confused yet extremely determined!!!

I’ve been flip flopping sine I’ve graduated high school. i spent my first year abroad auditing courses–still doing academic work but not for credit. I didn’t feel ready to begin pursuing my bachelors when I finished high school so I decided doing a non credit year abroad and working would be best. This was 2010-2011

2011-2012: The following academic year I took 5 classes at a continuing education program, while working full time. That year my grades were A-, B+, B, B-, and F. I failed math. anywho then I transferred to Emerson.

2012-2013: I begin at Emerson. My first year, I failed two classes. Otherwise, my grades were mostly B’s and C’s. Then i took summer classes and got C+ and a B. The following fall semester, I end up taking a leave of absence half way through the semester not finishing any of my classes.

2014 Spring semester: I return to the continuing education school and take three courses, in which I received a C, C-, and B-.

2014 Summer, I took a class at UVM and got a B-.

Now It is the fall of 2014. I don’t ever want to return to Emerson because I was so unhappy there and did not love what I was studying. It was a terrible environment for me. Despite all of this, I have always pursued my interests in Botany, biology, nutrition, life cycles, etc. I realize THIS is what I want to study! I am so passionate about it and have done a lot of work in these areas on my own, not affiliated with any college or university.

So I’m in this place where I feel like no college or university will accept me or i’m a failure. However, I’m too positive and ambitious a person to let those negative thoughts control me. I now know what I want to study and now I am asking whoever reads this forum: DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE?! I am so confused about the steps I should be taking. I am taking classes this semester to keep my brain power flowing and to indulge in my passion of learning, but I want to be enrolled in a university.

Overall, if anyone has any advice about the steps I should be taking in order to enroll in a university, I would appreciate it so much. If anyone needs clarifying questions or anything, please ask!

I guess you have to find a program/major that interests you first. Then, check the admissions criteria. Then, come up with a plan. The big question the new schools will have is: Will you fail again? So, you might want to provide proof you won’t by taking two full semesters of college-level (not continuing ed) courses at a community college in your areas of interest or in gen eds likely to be needed for your BA/BS. Earn A and B grades (avoid C or lower). Then apply to your desired program. The financial aid situation is likely to be a completely different kettle of fish (can’t help you on that front).

thank you so much. i’m doing that now basically. I am taking a lot of introductory courses in psychology at harvard extension school. is there a difference between taking community college courses versus harvard extension?

Which university do you wish to enroll in? Ask their admissions rep for your area whether they have a preference for cc or harvard extension school courses.