
<p>entropic girl, you could email suzanne greenberg, the director of SLE, to see if you're in or not.</p>

<p>Zephyr and I did that. We both are in SLE so we know that we will be in EastFloMo. Don't know which dorm though. I hope Alondra =)</p>

<p>What did you say? "Hi, I know mailers are gonna be sent out in a couple of weeks, but we're just dying to know if we're in SLE...."? [which would be totally true, but I don't wanna be obnoxious]</p>

<p>Nah it's not obnoxious at all. It shows that you're enthusiastic and excited about the program. </p>

<p>I masked my question like this: "I signed up for SLE on my form because I saw the reading list and it looks fantastic. I was wondering when will we find out if we're in SLE or not?"</p>

<p>I got the "Public Service Education Specialist in Science Education" who works at the Haas center. Meh. If she's good great, otherwise my rather lackluster HS guidance counselor taught me to take care of myself. Besides we have CC :D</p>

<p>One thing I noticed is that each advisor has about ten students to advise. Furthermore, supposedly all of these students are from the same dorm. Maybe this could us figure out the dorm assignments a bit earlier?</p>

<p>east flomo; either alondra or cardenal.</p>

<p>where did you find all this info out paulhomework?</p>


<p>You can find out who your advisor is by going to axess, then academics, and then view advisor.</p>

<p>I found out the same-dorm thing from the following webpage:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>What is an Academic Committee Coordinator? My advisor's one, and I have no idea what it is. O_O</p>

<p>East FloMo is Alondra (all-frosh, half SLE), Cardenal and Faisan (4 class, frosh are all SLE).</p>