AES not awarded Dec 15 2019

I was not awarded AES
I am confused, if ranking at the many high schools is based on different criteria why should class ranking be even considered a variable in the criteria for awarding AES at UT dallas
I would request students to post stats who has SAT > 1500 and were not awarded AES
The email that I received, says I can’t appeal against this decision.
My stats
SAT 1525
GPA 4.5
11 AP classes including calculus II and human geography
Few Bs but rest As
What can I do to find out why wasn’t I awarded any AES?

I’m sorry you weren’t given an award. The grants are competitive, not guaranteed, and the website says the applicants get more competitive each year.

Is your class rank low compared to your peers with similar test scores? That could be part of the problem. You can talk to your guidance counselor to make sure your record was submitted correctly, but I don’t think you’ll be able to find out why you didn’t get a merit award.

Do you have any affordable options?

You might be able to call the AES office and ask that question. I did read on reddit that one student called and was told because he had made a 86 in a math class, he was not awarded a scholarship. It appears it was very competitive and they were looking way beyond just the test stats.
Class rank is important because it is a stat that numerous ranking organizations look at. It also shows achievement over an extended period of time vs the ability to do well on one test.
I am sorry that you did not receive a scholarship and I do hope you have other options. There are several schools in Texas now that are guaranteeing full tuition for lower income which, I think, include UT, A&M, and UTSA, and probably others. If your family is not low income, UT Arlington has merit as well as some OOS schools. I’m thinking of University of Alabama in Huntsville has a guaranteed merit scholarship based on stats that you could still apply to. Also, run your numbers for Arizona State University and University of Arkansas. There are universities out there that will give you money for your stats but you do need to apply quickly.

LSU too.

Thanks for reply, scrambling to apply to others, since I was unfortunately over confident with my GPA and SAT scores.
Kind of Very disappointing
I was NMS commended as well
You don’t get NMS commendation and SAT 1525 by luck!
Among posts, an Out of state student got AES with SAT of 1480 and few B grades with a school Not doing ranking.
I just don’t agree with ranking, there should be just core subjects ranked, and non AP, AP, dual credit students should be ranked according to their status like AP students should be ranked separately vs non AP. It gets complicated so why do you rank since the rigor with which these subjects are taught and tested is different

According to the criteria below
Strength of high school curriculum including level of rigor (Advanced Placement, IB, dual credit)… 11 AP courses
Grades in all coursework…GPA 4.5, grades.mostly A, few B, and two C (calculus 2 and French)
SAT or ACT scores 1525
Class rank (if applicable) yes this was a problem and the school admitted to the problem and will try to fix it from next year.
Date of completed university application Oct 2019

No specific achievement in any category of the AES award factors guarantees a scholarship or specific award level. The quantity and quality of freshman applicants influences the AES awarding process…this is added only to cover themselves legally and so no one can question them.

Thanks for Adv guys again.

I would encourage for other students who have good GPA and SAT scores and missed on AES to post here your stat and we can file a complaint with school officials/Dean etc

You say there was a problem with class rank? What was the assigned rank?

Also - if date of application is a factor, October may have been an issue. You applied closer to the AES scholarship award than when applications opened.

Well here you go
Rank 155 out of 650…am going to meet with the principal to discuss, what will be my rank if they use the model for ranking for next year. They really need to fix this otherwise students will get into a lot of problems with scholarships

I applied and completed my application, I think in mid Oct 2019, before even their open house, well in advance before Dec 1st deadline for completed application for AES. Why is that a problem?

What was your UW GPA?

mostly A, few B, and two C<<<


“Merit-Based Award Factors
Strength of high school curriculum including level of rigor (Advanced Placement, IB, dual credit)
Grades in all coursework
SAT or ACT scores
Class rank (if applicable)
Date of completed university application”

Apply Texas opens very early. maybe July. Timing IS a factor, and grades trump rank.

don’t rub in the criteria again and again
We don’t have unweighted GPA
It’s GPA of 4.5
C is in French 2, I think that’s a PLUS!!

I C what are you saying
Applying by mid Oct was still late for AES scholarships?
I highly doubt that!
But a good lesson/suggestion for future students, in this highly competitive and highly biased system

What’s going to be the basis of your complaint? You don’t agree with ranking and the college uses rank to award merit aid. I’m sure every student who ranks in the top ~24th percentile of their class instead of the top 10th, or whatever the college’s target is, wishes the college didn’t use rank in their decisions. That doesn’t make it unfair.

The AES Award is competitive. Of course the quality and number of applicants who apply affect who receives a grant. Your time would be better spent finding affordable options and working on applications instead of trying to create a formal complaint against a college based on a single report from a random stranger on the internet. You have no way of knowing if they’re telling the truth or exaggerating. After all, in your initial post you said your grades are all A’s with a few B’s, but later on you said you also have C’s.

The college explains pretty clearly on their website that the awards aren’t rack and stack. It’s not a case of those with the highest test scores win. I’m sorry you thought that, but it’s time to accept it and move on.

I am not accepting it but yes I have already moved on, don’t worry, I have already applied to few other choices, and have gotten scholarship at another college too, not my first choice, there are people who give better adv than you do, like BlueBayouAz

FRENCH 2, C ? salut bébé

What is a rank? Please just put some light on it. When you have a class of 650 at a high school with non AP, AP and dual credit students

There is no SAT 1525

am I suppose to post a screen shot of my SAT ?
I don’t need to prove anything to you
Get real!

I think what @itsgettingreal21 is trying to say is the SATs are scored by 10s (so a 1520 and then 1530).

Unfortunately @cowboy007 - your rank is 23.84%. However your school determines rank - that is how they ranked your performance in comparison to your classmates. It’s disappointing if they don’t weight AP classes. Since your GPA is over a 4 - I’m surprised it is not weighted in some way.

And I don’t recall seeing people lower than 15% getting AES (thought I have not paid that close of attention to rank).

The GPA is weighted, OP hasn’t calculated an UW GPA. The rank must reflect the weighting, being even 28% with b’s and c’s is due to weighting, no?

I do realize, SAT score Reported by 10’s but we all know that. Let’s forget about my SAT score

And answer the question of ranking?
I see we may have different opinions but what is ranking for non AP, AP, dual credit students going to the same school

Taking 99% in History class in non AP? AP? And from a community college? How will a school rank these three categories of grades for students in high school

How did you guys school do ranking?

And then How do you rank someone in a high school class of 650 taking all different subjects?

And on top of this some schools has no ranking so how then AES committee looks at that?

Sorry guys just a friendly discussion!

A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1 in regular classes. A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2 in pre AP and AP classes.

Public schools in Texas do have to rank top 10 percent. It’s the law.

So even schools that don’t rank past that do create a “community profile” that gives colleges the number of AP, duel credit and other class offerings. It also gives an idea of GPA breakdown.