African-American/Black Class of 2012 (HS) Thread

<p>Congrats all on your achievements!</p>

<p>Laxxbro…sending good vibes to you, just keep busy, if you are on break catch up on any tv series you haven’t been able to keep up with and stay :cool:</p>

<p>Ok guys…for those who plan on keeping the tradition alive…please update your results for the lurkers and those that are coming behind you.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Is that you, CPU?? If so, congrats! :D</p>

<p>And I don’t plan on posting in the official results threads until I get the results from all my colleges, which will be in April.</p>

<p>Yes that’s me, thanks :)</p>

I’m smart enough to get into college but i’m not smart enough for them to give me money.</p>

<p>A sad realization.</p>

<p>Aww, BlackRose :frowning: Join the club…</p>

<p>In other news… finally submitted my app to the school I’d die to get into to.
Let’s see how this all plays out</p>

<p>good luck chica!</p>

<p>im confused, collegeboard says that they SENT out my SATs Dec 2nd, yet when I call of my schools, they said they havent received it…idk what to do :frowning: has this happened to anyone??</p>

<p>and also, is it worth it to send all your sat lls. I just got 3 of them back today and let’s just say…they are not pretty</p>

<p>if your schools don’t require it, don’t send. if they are 650+, send em (in my opinion)</p>

<p>@collegeparonia: Gracias!!</p>

<p>Happy holidays, everyone. :slight_smile:
Both of my parents are working all day tomorrow, so my family is celebrating Christmas a day early.</p>

<p>Happy Holidays !
counting down till i can rip open my presents :)</p>

so who here celebrates kwanza…■■■■■</p>

<p>Happy Holidays, everyone!</p>

<p>I honestly have never met anyone in my life that celebrates Kwanzaa lol.</p>

<p>Btw, isn’t writing essays a wonderful way to celebrate Christmas!</p>


<p>Merry Christmas!!</p>

<p>May all of our dreams of full scholarships come true :3</p>

<p>hahahah same to all.
ive had a great xmas…from presents to an nyu supplement about subways

<p>Wasn’t the guy who invented Kwanzaa a huge racist that wanted to bring people away from Christianity (the “white man’s religion”) led by the psychotic Jesus?</p>


<p>Now that Christmas is over, it’s time to start on my last supplement that I’ve been neglecting. :frowning: Part of me wants to have everything finished by New Years, and the other part of me wants to take advantage of the fact that it isn’t due until January 15. Blah.
Good luck to everyone finishing up applications!</p>

<p>Actually, scratch that last post. The school I was about to apply to severely violates my “3% African-American and Hispanic population” rule, which is a big no-no.</p>

<p>I would love to say, “I’M DONE WITH COLLEGE APPS!!!” Knowing me, however, I’ll probably find <em>some</em> school to add before New Years haha.</p>

<p>What school was it?</p>

<p>University of San Diego.</p>

<p>Word, Chica. Percentage of URMs is definitely a big factor for me too. I had to cross off the UCs for that reason alone…</p>