African-American/Black Class of 2012 (HS) Thread

<p>Thanks, but i’m still nervous. It might mean nothing, but I still want to make a great impression.
I’ve done a few interviews already, but this is Cornell i’m talking about here. I don’t want to look bad. >.<</p>

<p>Now that I’ve gotten into college,
I’m starting to do the real freaking out!
Idk where I’m going!
And when I get there I have no clue WHAT life will be like, lol…
How do you go about even making friends in an environment like that. </p>

You’ll be fine! I think interviews end up being a lot nicer than your nerves let you think they will be before hand!</p>

<p>@blackrose, I had an interview with Stanford and I was a nervous wreck. First interview of my life EVER. When I sat on that Starbucks chair, it didn’t feel like an interview at all. It was very conversational. My tip, have questions to ask. I promise it’s not bad at all. I felt silly for even worrying about it. My advice, be prepare to answer “What will you bring to the table at Cornell”. I tripped on this question. I am VERY shy around people I’m not familiar with, so when I tell you the college interview was fine, i mean it.</p>

<p>Thanks MollyBloom and neuroscience!! :)</p>

<p>I had my interview, and I now realize that I was scared for nothing. lolz
We had an awesome conversation, the interviewer was mega friendly, and seemed so interested in all the stuff i’ve done while in high school. </p>

<p>I was simply asked a “why Cornell” question, which I had a loooong answer for. lol</p>

<p>It was actually kind of fun.</p>

@MollyBloom, the whole friends thing is my only issue with college. I love to talk, but when I meet new people it seems as if i’m a mute. I’m extremely awkward until people get to know me. I decided that I would just join as many clubs as I can possible fit into my schedule, hopefully i’ll meet people that way :)</p>

<p>How’s everyone doing? Any new acceptances or likely letters?</p>

<p>Accepted to U Miami with a 24k scholarship, invited to fly down to interview for a full tuition scholarship :)</p>

<p>Hope everyone is doing AMAZING!</p>

<p>Hey everyone</p>

<p>I’m a parent of a 2012 grad. She’s applied to 8 colleges and is waiting. Problem is she’s starting to worry that she didn’t apply to colleges that had full rides or possiblity of full ride.</p>


<p>SAT: 800 CR; 780 W; 740 M SATII M2 700, Physics 680, Spanish 760, USHistory 770
AP ; 5 classes (one 4 -rest are 5’s) currently taking 6 AP classes including APPhysics C and Calc BC</p>

<p>Pres – Debate 2 years; 3rd place state (2 years); Governor’s school for Humanities; Tutors writing at school; NHS, Art Honor Society, Spanish Honors, Academic letter 3 years, cellist, volunteer elections and church, GS silver award. NMSF, NAF (as of last week)<br>
GPA: 4.55 W – 4.0 UW School doesn’t rank but told is in top 1 to 2 % out of 550+</p>

<p>Decided late last year she wants to major in Eng or Phy with art interests</p>

<p>Applied Regular Decision to:
Princeton, Duke, Yale, Carnegie Mellon, Case Western, UVA (safety and state school), Vanderbilt, and Washington U (recommended to her)</p>

<p>Wanted to apply to Pitt but was discouraged from doing so (application fees are expensive) but received an application in mail a week before the deadline and didin’t want to ask for recom. from GC and others at last minute and just too plain tired from school and all of the essays for colleges. Also considered two HBCU but have not so far. </p>

<p>Now> we completed the FAFSA and CSS and she’s seen our portion of her college fund (not much) and is starting to panic that she won’t get into her reach schools and even if she does, she won’t get enough merit money or aid to attend. (Big loans are out of the question).</p>

<p>She’s now wishing she had applied to her full ride offers instead of the high end private schools. We told her with her stats, she will get in most of the schools she applies to and if she only gets her safety school, it’s an excellent school and she will do great!</p>

<p>She’s very humble and never counts a sure thing (gets it from me and dad). Also she has been the only black in most of her classes for all of her education, and she’s a little weary. Many of you can relate --“oh, your hair is so puffy – can I touch it”, and “blacks will get in and take another person’s place—but not you ___–you’re different”…and let’s not forget the instant head turning when the subject of slavery, civil rights, etc comes up in class. </p>

<p>But I’m happy to say though , she can hold her own.</p>

<p>From what I’ve read in this thread, you are all well grounded, as is my D. Anyway, every now and then, a person needs a little moral support. I was hoping some of you would send some her way…</p>


<p>Who here is African American(whose parents aren’t immigrants or from Africa). In other words to be crass who has slave in their blood hahahah, and what are your stats??</p>

<p>Your daughter has really good stats, Razzyreb, but none of us can give an accurate picture of if your daughter has a good or bad chance at any of her schools. </p>

<p>Does she like UVA?</p>

<p>Yes I can greatly relate to your daughter. Tell her to not give up and think of the finish line = graduation and sending in that deposit to her college! It is the only thing that gets me by. </p>

<p>Not every African American has “slave in their blood.”</p>

<p>Razzyreb, you should search CC for schools that give full rides or close to it for NAF. Have your daughter apply to schools (like University of Alabama) that guarantee scholarships. Other schools require interviews or a similar weeding process. She should apply to those schools if any of them interest her. Look out for deadlines, though! Some schools’ deadline for these scholarships has already passed. Good luck!</p>

<p>“Not every African American has slave in their blood”? What are you talking about, of course every African American has slave in their blood. The only ones that don’t are from immigrant families. I was not trying to be rude, I was just asking a question. Last year they stated 60 percent of the blacks at Harvard were from immigrant families from Nigeria and other western African countries. I was just wondering where the black americans who’s ancestors were slaves(including myself) stood.</p>

<p>I’m African American (family has been here for generations dating back to slavery of course) I am from Brooklyn, New York and a first generation college student.
I have a 1320/2000 SAT
GPA is unimportant because I go to a peculiar school
And as of now I am working on my Associates degree in liberal arts and will be graduating not only with a HS diploma but also an AA degree in June.</p>

<p>I believe that although your statement about most “black” college students being from immigrant families, colleges don’t really seem to take that into account when trying to diversify their student bodies, because let’s face it: black is black to them.</p>

<p>@CPU i hope you get it !!! seriously !</p>

<p>and woooo ! nigeria reppin harvard ! :smiley: lmao</p>

<p>Razzy, tell your daughter not to worry. We’re all feeling the same way, but I’m sure it’ll work out for all of us in the end. </p>

<p>We’re almost there!</p>

<p>And you do realize there was slavery in South America and the Caribbean, in addition to America… My parents are Jamaican immigrants and our ancestors were slaves. So yes, I do “have slave in my blood.”</p>

<p>Hi Everyone</p>

<p>Thanks for the encouraging words. </p>

<p>"Your daughter has really good stats, Razzyreb, but none of us can give an accurate picture of if your daughter has a good or bad chance at any of her schools. </p>

<p>Does she like UVA?</p>

<p>Yes I can greatly relate to your daughter. Tell her to not give up and think of the finish line = graduation and sending in that deposit to her college! It is the only thing that gets me by. </p>

<p>Not every African American has “slave in their blood.” "</p>


<p>Does she like UVA? The school is nice, but the curriculum is limited in terms of the student having the ability to explore other areas outside one’s major. Having to re-apply to a specific college within the university after a person decides on a major is unappealing. But of all the Virginia schools, it’s the only one that offers the type of curriculum diversity she is looking for. </p>

<h2>As for the slavery reference…I believe there has been a misunderstanding in what I originally posted. I was merely referring to the position an “only” minority student faces in an Honors or AP class dominated by students who are uncomfortable (for lack of a better word) when a subject comes up in class that refers to the one students race or ethnicity. My statement wasn’t meant to define or fit a person into a class of people. </h2>

<p>We are hoping for merit money as a NMSF (hopefully finalist) and a NAF. </p>

<p>This might sound ungrateful, but I come from the south and I went to college in the south. I have nothing against big schools, such as U of Alabama and Kentucky. I realize an education is what you make of it. However, If my kid has a shot at a top school (Ivy or other), I think she should take the chance even if it means working two jobs extra to pay and even if it means turning down fulll rides at other schools. Yet, I know she has worked hard to get where she is, and I’m encouraging her to plow through. I encourage all of you to do the same. </p>

<p>Thank you all for your kind and thoughtful words. I’ll let you know what happens.</p>

<p>Razzyreb – My slavery comment was in no way directed towards your comments, but at scsunsfan. Sorry for not clarifying. I totally understand what you are saying and can relate to your daughter’s experiences. </p>

<p>I’m at rooting for your daughter for NMSF/F and NAF</p>

<p>im a transfer student and am very proud of all of you, don’t let them keep you down. go on to be doctors and lawyers, because they think you can’t do it.</p>

<p>Congrats to CPU on her acceptance and scholarship!!!
I hope everyone is doing well and that no one has fallen victim to the dreaded senioritis. Yet. :)</p>

<p>Sorry for the misunderstanding, Razzy. My slavery comment was not directed towards you .</p>

<p>And congrats CPU!!! :D</p>

<p>Thanks everyone…You are all very, very sweet. CPU, please let us know what your interview experience is like for a full scholarship. Congratulations.</p>