African-American/Black Class of 2012 (HS) Thread

<p>It feels strange seeing the ACT/SAT prep threads, now that you mention it.</p>

<p>I am in shock right now! I got a likely from Duke yesterday and an early write from Williams College today with a note that said “we really enjoyed your writing. Well done!” Really numbers aren’t everything at ALL! And I praise the Lord because I would be nothing without him.</p>

<p>SAT: Math-680, CR-610, Writing-640 and subject tests M1-640 M2-600 Chem-660 LESS THAN PERFECT AND I KNOW IT!!</p>

<p>On the other hand:
1/200 rank, 4.65 gpa unweighted
I think that what made up for my less than perfect SAT scores was the fact that I have all A’s in all AP/honors courses on my transcriptl. I just suck at test taking.
These are not perfect scores! So all of you guys who have less than 2000 scores, don’t lose hope because they want the person not the numbers! and good luck!</p>

<p>Congratulations to everyone and their amazing results!!! :slight_smile: #2012winning</p>

<p>Congrats on everyone’s accomplishments so far! </p>

<p>2012… Das how we do… Lool</p>

<p>First off, congrats to everybody who has heard back! and for everybody still waiting…hang in there!! </p>

<p>I’m a junior at Princeton and even though I’m a couple years out from the whole application process I remember how much work it is and I have so much respect for yall! </p>

<p>I’m thinking about starting a thread to answer any questions yall might have about black student life in college (or college life in general). Through my involvement in black student orgs and in Delta, I know black students at schools all over the country and will do my best to find personalized answers to any questions you have! let me know if you’re interested :)</p>

<p>ps. check out my blog ( ) if you wanna hear the perspective of black college students from all over the country…we talk about our experiences as black students in the ivory tower and the ways we can take advantage of opportunities (ie internships, jobs, scholarships) in and out of school… we definitely keep it real.</p>

<p>much love :slight_smile: amina<br>
(you can follow me on twitter too if you want to reach out to me! @minameanz @breakingit_down )</p>

<p>I was very shocked this week to find a voicemail from the Harvard admissions office on my cell phone, telling me to expect a likely letter in the mail. And when I got home, there it was! Incredibly, incredibly excited and so grateful! I cannot believe this!</p>

<p>Congrats. Pretty incredible!! My daughter got a call from Yale and missed it but got the likely letter the next day!</p>

<p>CONGRATS EVERYONE! what is a likely letter?</p>

<p>Accepted to Cornell earlier this week. I wish the best of luck to all of you</p>

<p>Congrats guys :slight_smile: </p>

<p>So inspiring !!!</p>

<p>wow, there is so much pressure off my chest now…
So far I’ve gotten likely letters from Dartmouth and Duke and Early acceptances from Lafayette College, Williams College, and Bowdoin College. Funny thing is i have better financial aid from these private schools than from my state school UConn…that’s really sad.
…now if only college was free -_- Every day I get back from school is like an adventure as I go see what the mail man brought lol …mail man = my BFF right now.
I’m crossing my fingers for all of you on here to get into your number one choice!</p>

<p>@paranoia : its a letter that says you have a good chance of being accepted.</p>

<p>I hope you guys don’t mind me posting here… I am a parent but felt compelled to post on the thread…</p>

<p>Congrats to you all… though I don’t know you, I am very proud of you all! Your hard work is to be applauded and it WILL continue pay in dividends for years to come. </p>

<p>@ Zambia, my dd14 has no interest in UCONN… though I would love for her to stay instate… she felt it was too large/inpersonal… Stanford is her top choice… Harvard is her 2nd and she is also eyeballing Barnard. Yale is out of the question, even though we are 5 minutes away. She is not sure why everyone is so enthalled with it… LOL Her PSATS for freshman year were 1390, and she increased to 1570 for sophomore year. I have been encouraging her to self study for the Jr PSAT/SATs… I am sure she will bring those scores up even more. I worry that if she doesnt bring them up, she will be passed over for admission.</p>

<p>Her current GPA is 4.56 and class rank 7/184 @ an inner city magnet school. Her EC’s are pretty interesting(Habitat/aquarium docent/tutor, just to name a few) and I am sure her essays will be great… as her writing skills are quite impressive. </p>

<p>Do any of you have any advice to pass along to her seeing that you guys are 2 years ahead of her?? Thanks so much…</p>


<p>Yes <em>victory dance/scream</em></p>

Keep your daughter up on her schoolwork. She can “slack off” (read:relax and de stress) after first semester of senior year (not too much, of course). </p>

<p>Follow her heart in her essays. Some people may not like it, but if her voice comes through, let it shout! Get her a commonapp account on Aug 1 2013! Have her write drafts. </p>

<p>Make sure she knows all testing requirements. Make sure she abides by the strictest rules. For example, I had to take SAT and Subject tests for a few of my schools, whereas one was test optional, and the others only wanted SAT I. </p>

<p>Have her make a r</p>

<p>Early write from Swarthmore and accepted to Binghamton University! Yay me, and congrats to everyone else who has recently been accepted. You all deserve it!</p>

<p>@NewHaven you should really try encouraging her to bring her SAT scores up to at least a 1900. That way she’ll be in better position when creating her list. I was 100% self study and I went from a 1600 to a 2000 in 3 months of using numerous books (all of which I borrowed from the library, so ultimately it cost me nothing but time and diligence). I would also tell her to think of essay topics right now so she won’t have to change her mind constantly next semester until she is facing numerous deadlines to fulfill.</p>

<p>Finally, apply early (not necessarily ED)! I regret that so much. Then she won’t have to wait until the end of March to relieve anxiety! hahaha</p>


<p>My SAT was only 1930, so I think that if your daughter can get her score up to at least 1900 or even 1800-1900 she will be in much better shape. Also, to make up for the scores, make sure she is involved in clubs, leadership positions, and other extracurricular and community service activities. That can make a big difference, along with the essays. the essays can also make up for slighly lower scores in some cases. so have her do really good essays that are very unique and that will give her an edge.</p>

<p>I got an Early Write from Williams and Swarthmore :)</p>

<p>Everyone is doing so well!! Congrats!!</p>

<p>@Kali22, why did you choose Swarthmore @Kali22?! Just wondering, I love the financial aid but what else is good about it? Congratulations =D</p>

<p>After I went to Discover Swarthmore, I was hooked. </p>

<p>The biggest factors for me were the financial aid, curriculum, diversity, inclusiveness and the intimate setting, being that it’s a small school. It sounds pretty cliche, but I really felt this when I visited. It’s definitely one of my top choices.</p>

<p>And thank you!</p>

<p>Edit: Btw, I had never really heard of Swarthmore before I saw it in a few of the Official African-American Results threads. I was wondering why it seemed to be so popular, and now I definitely understand why.</p>