African-American/Black Class of 2012 (HS) Thread

<p>@ Graphene- congrats!</p>

<p>@ CPU… I didn’t get accepted to MIT either! But it’s cool. You can do undergrad and get your masters… I plan on getting my Aero undergrad at Purdue, Masters or PhD from GA Tech or apply again to MIT. Purdue is my first choice. Where have you applied? Want to attend?</p>

<p>ready2go2 – wow at that essay</p>


<p>Ok CPU! Brown! Congrats!! That’s Big! What’s your major? Neuroscience? I can’t recall…my apologies!</p>

<p>Was accepted into Boston College and Northeastern :3</p>

<p>Congrats, BlackRose (even though I already said it on Facebook :slight_smile: )!!!</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone!! Eventually, we’ll have to start a thread to see where everyone will be heading. Time flies.</p>

<p>Hey guys! I got into James Madison University and University of Virginia! I am representing my country to the fullest.</p>

<p>Sent from my SPH-M920 using CC</p>

<p>Congrats blackrose !!!</p>

<p>Thanks ada :)</p>

<p>and congrats Salone!!!</p>

<p>I’ve been rejected once so far, and it’s by BU. BC wants me…but BU doesn’t…? Oh well. -__-</p>

<p>Hello all! I’m basically done with my admission decisions. One thing I’ve learned throughout this whole process was applying was fun, waiting was okay, but actually making a decision is the Worst part. Haha anyways I got into University of Pittsburgh, Drexel University (bs/md), early acceptance to Fordham, and a few other small colleges in my area. Good luck to you all! Your stories are truly inspirational.</p>

<p>Congrats Rose, salone, and Yolo!! </p>

<p>Don’t forget, everyone, please post your results in the Official African American Results 2016 thread when all of your decisions are in. I found the threads in years past very insightful. And if you feel the same way, join me in helping out future classes :)</p>

<p>So far…
30 ACT
3.5 GPA
Private School</p>

<p>Accepted to Boston University $48K financial package, Connecticut College,Wesleyan University, SUNY Binghamton, Davidson College (Presidential Scholar), Smith College, Bard College, University of Virginia</p>

<p>Waitlisted at Williams and UChicago</p>

<p>Waiting on Ivies, Barnard, Georgetown, Middlebury, and Vanderbilt</p>

<p>Thanks guys! Congrats to all of you and good luck to those waitlisted, deferred, etc. Just know that you’ll end up where it’s right.</p>

<p>Sent from my SPH-M920 using CC</p>

<p>Congrats to salone, Yolo, and muffin!! :slight_smile:
I just bumped the results thread for anyone who wants to post. It will be really helpful for the class of 2013 and beyond.</p>

<p>Have any of you guys gotten any aid packages or scholarships yet?</p>

<p>Yeah. One of my schools after scholarships and aid, it will cost less than $8,000.
I don’t want to go there though, but it’s all I can really afford. </p>

<p>I’m hoping that my bigger schools can give me some big bucks! haha:D</p>

<p>Nope. Not yet. UVa tells us next week and I don’t know about JMU. I’m so nervous.</p>

<p>Sent from my SPH-M920 using CC</p>


<p>Accepted to Northwestern, Williams (Early Write), University of Pittsburgh, Loyola University New Orleans (full ride). Likely letters from Notre Dame and Duke. Still waiting on Duke and Tulane!</p>

<p>30 ACT
4.0 UW, 4.9 W
1910 SAT
700 SAT II Literature, 730 SAT II US History</p>

<p>I actually wasn’t expecting half of these acceptances but I’m so thankful and grateful! Congratulations to everyone else.</p>

<p>@kgoodwin were you at BSAI? i got a williams early too and i went to bsai…but i still think williams beats duke lol… a girl at duke even said to pick williams over duke and pick duke over every school BUT williams…that says something! haha .i still have yet to visit williams tho</p>

<p>Yeah, I was there but after being at Duke, I’m seriously reconsidering Williams. And I just realized I had a major typo. I’m waiting on Tulane and BROWN, not Tulane and Duke. Haha.</p>